Fort Macon | Family Session | Eddie + Ami

It’s always great to see old friends and this session was no exception. It was great to see these wonderful sweet people that I don’t get to see often enough!!

This session was an extra special session and a little sad as well for another reason. Eddie & Ami decided to do this session and we squeezed it in last minute because their sweet Fur Baby, Chubs, isn’t doing very well so they wanted to make sure and capture the WHOLE family just incase a goodbye is not far off.

As wonderful as it was to capture each member of this family, it was a reminder to me as well how short life truly is. How unexpected it can be, and how precious each moment with someone we love is. Time moves so fast, and nothing we can do can slow it down, but we can do all that we can to slow US down and enjoy every little moment.

It’s sessions like this that remind me to take the extra moment at bed time with my own kids and give an extra snuggle. Enjoy a chat with a friend or parent. Listen to a story from a grandparent or elderly person in your life and take everything you can from that memory of theirs.

We are all so truly blessed to be surrounded by those who care for us. There will always be someone better off than you, but there will also always be someone worse off than you. The important thing is to focus on the things in life that make YOUR life wonderful and special. We don’t have what we don’t have so theres no use wasting precious moments bummed over what we DON’T have when a moment spent on that is a moment wasted that could be spent enjoying the precious GOOD things that we DO have, that God has SO BLESSED us with.

Take an extra little time to stop and enjoy the moment you’re in, the people and things you have been blessed to have in your life, and even the situation you’re in, whether tough or wonderful, both are valuable. Enjoy EVERY moment, because we never truly know how many more we have with those we love.

Eddie & Ami – It is an understatement to say what a joy it was to see you and get to spend just a little bit of time with you and your beautiful family. I am so honored that I got to capture sweet Chubs for you, with you, and also each of the other treasures in your family. I pray that as life continues to move on that it won’t just pass by but that each moment will be special and precious (even the tough ones) and bring each of you closer to one another and closer to God, the one who has so blessed you with each other.

I hope its not so long before we get to see you again! It was truly SUCH a treat!

August 29, 2022

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