Fort Macon | Maternity Family Session | Roman + Amada

I can’t express how sweet this whole family is. It was such an honor to capture these photos as they prepare to enter this next and exciting stage of life! I have had the privilege of watching this family come together and bloom with love and joy the past few years and it has truly been amazing to watch them grow. Now, not only are they growing in love as a family but they are growing in number by adding another sweet little girl to their home!

There are so many anticipations when waiting to meet a new baby, what will they look like? WHO will they look more like? What will they act like? Will they be shy? Will they be outgoing? Will they like books? Will they like being outside? What will they grow up to be?

One thing is for sure. Each sweet baby is special. Uniquely designed to be someone that only they can be. To fulfill a purpose and a plan that only they can fulfill because they weren’t written to fit in a plan, the plan they are to fulfill was written for THEM by The Creator who knit them together in the womb and knows this sweet baby girl inside and out even now, before she has even breathed her first breath.

Not only is this sweet little one special in the way that all babies are special but she has already been on quite the journey of her own so there is no doubt in my mind that God has special plans for this baby and His hands are already guiding her journey and forming the path in which her feet will travel before she has taken her first steps.

Roman & Amada – I am so happy for you and your family. I can not wait to meet this sweet precious gift God has sent just for you. I pray that as you enter this next stage of your life that God will bring each of you closer together and fill your family with love and joy more than any of us could ever imagine. I can’t wait to watch as your family continues to grow closer to God and walk in His will for your life and journey together.

August 29, 2022

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