Golden Hour Maternity | Newport NC | Tayjah

This Sweet SWEET mama was such an absolute JOY to photograph tonight in our quick last minute session.

I am SO honored to have had the opportunity to capture a few of these sweet beautiful moments at such a precious and miraculous stage in life.

There is so much uncertainty that comes along with pregnancy. Not just with the baby but with us as women.

I remember feeling like about 2 months in that my body had been taken over by aliens.
Things I loved to eat before I wanted nothing to do with.
Things I didn’t usually enjoy eating I could eat ALL DAY. (like SODA of all things)

Lets not even talk about the hormones and what they do to our emotions.
I had to have broken some record on my poor husband for how fast I could round the bases from happy, to spitting mad, to on the couch sobbing, to hungry, to passed OUT asleep.

One thing is for sure. There have been fewer times in my life that I have had to rely on God to carry me though the roller coaster with so much change going on and taking place inside and outside of my body.

Daily I had to tell God I trusted Him. Daily I had to take a deep breath and know that this was a season in my life.
When our first pregnancy ended too soon and then the Drs had some concerns with my second pregnancy we CLUNG to God and prayed for His will and rested in His peace knowing that no matter what happened. GOD was still GOD and He was in control.

The story that comes to mind is the story of the 3 Hebrew boys in the Bible that would not bow to the kings Idol.
Because of their bold stand against the King, they were to be punished by being thrown in the fire. Before they were thrown in they made the declaration that whether God decided to save them or not, they were completely confident that He was fully able to do so.

In uncertain times, not just with pregnancy and babies but with every uncertain time in life. The most important thing that we can do is Surrender to God’s will and rest assured knowing that God has a plan, and whether He decides to “save us” from our situation or if we have to go through it, He is still ABLE to do anything. We may not understand but if we served a God that we could understand, He would be an awfully small God.

“And we know that all things…” (not just the good things) “… work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Tayjah- You are SUCH a champion. You have taken every step of this beautiful yet uncertain time in your life with grace and beauty, kept a smile on your face and a positive heart through it all. Do not be deceived. God sees your trust, He sees your Faithfulness. “He is a rewarder of those who diligently see Him.” (Heb 11:6) No matter the circumstances. Stay strong lovely. You are an inspiration to us all. God will carry you no matter what!

October 27, 2021

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  1. […] These photos make me cry. I’m going to start this blog off with a throw back to a very special previous session I had with Tayjah. See it here. […]

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