Emerald Isle Wedding | Stewart & Jaime

I really can not begin to describe the sweetness of being included in this small intimate celebration of love and 2 lives becoming 1. It was a fun, relaxed, emotional sweet evening and I am so happy for Stewart and Jaime as they celebrate their new life together!

There are all types of people and all types of weddings. Some people are high school sweet hearts, some knew at first meeting they were going to be together forever, others never thought they would ever end up together (that would be my husband and I) and yet others go through a sort of back and forth in and out of each others line of sight before becoming permanent fixtures in the heart of each other.

Whatever the journey my favorite part of meeting couples is learning about them and what brought them together.
My obvious other favorite part is the actual wedding. Nothing specific but watching the freedom each couple has to share their love and commitment with each other in their own special way.

Some people want to invite anyone and everyone to join in the celebration!
Others prefer to make such a precious commitment in the company of only a handful of the closest family and friends.

While both weddings (and everything in between) are absolutely special and a wonderful joy to be a part of, There is something to be said about the close intimacy of this beautiful wedding that I had the joy of capturing.

Instead of required attire, shoes were optional on the soft sand floor. There were no assigned attendants, though the brides path was still scattered with flower petals as she walked to meet her groom. Instead of a tightly scripted ceremony, half the time was spent hearing the heartfelt words of parents, family and loved ones who had something to say or share with or about the couple.

The emotions were raw, there were no chairs but instead a casual yet supportive circle of love surrounded the couple as they committed the rest of their lives to one another.

This truly was a celebration. Of love, of life, of joy, of futures, of journeys, of family, and of adventure. It was a joy and honor to get to share in such a sweet celebration.

Stewart & Jaime- Thank you so much for allowing us and trusting us to be part of your family for the evening and capture these sweet moments for you. It has been a journey getting to this day and will continue to be a journey moving on from this day, but from now on you will be one- a team- together taking on the world one day at a time. I truly pray that as you go from this day on that each day finds you more in love and more in tune with each other and what God has planned for you. May your Journey be one of Joy and Love as you continue to splash your love not just on each other but on everyone around you (as you obviously already have.)

SO SO happy and excited for you guys and I hope this is not the last time our paths cross!

October 24, 2021

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  1. […] We met when she asked me to do photos as a gift for a very small intimate wedding on the beach. (See it here) To have her then want her OWN photos with her family… I was honored and flattered to say the […]

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