Emerald Isle Pier | Mommy & Me Session | Nicole

Such a sweet evening with this Momma and her sweet son! Sometimes life doesn’t always go exactly as we plan but one thing is for sure. God is always near, ready to give an upholding and sustaining hand and bless us with his presence and His mercy and blessings whenever we reach for Him.

Some moments in our lives are tough, others are so good that we wonder what we ever did to deserve them. Most lives regardless of the lens we choose to view them through, are a mixture of both of these things.

“It rains on the just and the unjust”

Most times in my life I have heard (Or assumed) the meaning of that to mean bad things happen to the good man and the bad man. But I would ask you this, who decided that rain was bad? Most allusions use it as such. “rain on your parade” “rainy day fund” etc etc etc.

But what of the farmer who’s plants have been weathered by drought?
What of the brave men fighting forest fires? or ANY fire at that matter.
What of the child who just got a new pair of flashy red rain boots and are LONGING to try them out in some big puddles?

Rain serves its purpose just like most other things in the world. Likewise, rain does not always make a day bad, or good. It is all in the eye of the beholder and determinant on the situation at hand.

Granted, going back to the original quote “It rains on the just and the unjust” to be honest the fact that this could mean good things happen to the good man and the bad man doesn’t ACTUALLY change the meaning of the phrase, it does however offer a different perspective. And that is the basis of my point.

Life presents us with a number of different situations. Most are made or can be helped or avoided in some way by choices we have made. Not all however are such. But just because we are unable to control some of the situations that happen to us, we are able to control what we choose to do in response to them. We are also able to control how we choose to view them.

The same rain storm that the farmer is praising God for, the single mother of 3 with a car full of groceries to unload with no garage who is already running behind schedule, may not be as enthusiastic about. But I guess that is why the Bible says to praise the Lord in all things. “His Praise shall continually be on my lips” If we can learn to go beyond seeing the glass as half full (a feat in and of itself) but to see the cup as overflowing, no matter WHAT life throws at us, It may not change our situation, but it will change our situation if you know what I mean.

That puddle of rain water looks like a nuisance to some and a joyful pray ground to others. It’s the same puddle. Just a different perspective. My goal is to look for the sparkles in every day. When we focus on the light, it can sometimes surprise us how quickly the shadows begin to disappear all together.

Nicole- My dear dear Nicole. Thank you SO SO much for sharing the evening with me. Despite our own little schedule “rainstorm” we were still able to get some absolutely precious shots of you and your sweet little blessing of a boy! He is an absolute JOY! (just like his beautiful mother!!)

Keep looking for the sparkles mama. You’re doing a great job. Chin up. Trust God and seek after His will and He will never let you down! Love love LOVE you and your family! Can’t wait to see what treasures God has in store for you!

October 19, 2021

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