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I could hardly WAIT for this session from booking until the day of! SUCH a fun and girly session yet full of the personality that defines Gracie as she hits DOUBLE DIGITS! I can’t believe it! 10 years ago I took this sweet girl’s NEWBORN photos. I have no idea how in the world 10 […]

February 5, 2022

This was such a fun session! And a little sentimental to me. Silas’s First birthday (I can’t believe it!!), It was great to be able to work with this beautiful family family again and even get a few branding shots for Sheree! I have been privileged over the years to do multiple sessions for these […]

February 5, 2022

This was such a wonderful and sweet New Years Eve Mommy & Me Session! Ladies and Gentleman, take a close look at these photos below. I’m not sure if you will be able to see all that I got to see, but I hope very much that you can at least see a little bit. […]

January 2, 2022

First of all I want to give a shout out to this wonderful family for being so awesome and FLEXIBLE with the session. We had a little set back but were able to switch locations and they were SO fantastic!! And just for kicks and giggles I want to share how long in coming this […]

October 12, 2021

Not to sound like a broken record, but not all roads are easy. On the same token not all dirt roads lead to dead ends. Some of the most beautiful and remote mountain tops, lakes, waterfalls, and breathtaking scenic views are ONLY accessible by rough dirt roads with lots of pot holes. My point? Not […]

September 21, 2021

“Motherhood is a choice you make everyday.” “Mothers never retire, no matter how old her children are, she is always a mom, always willing to encourage and help her children in any way she can” If there ever were two truer statements about motherhood I don’t know what they would be. Mothers are like nothing […]

August 31, 2021

There is something so sweet and special between a mother and her daughter. It’s like looking into a mirror. That can be a good thing, and that can also be… well… a revealing thing. I was told this years before my own daughter was even a thought in my future. But now, its reality. There […]

August 4, 2021

When you think back to your golden middle school and high school years what is the first thing that comes to mind? The work? All the knowledge you gained? Fabulous teachers? The smell of the locker room? All of these things may come to mind but they aren’t what comes to mind first for me. […]

July 26, 2021

Life is full of choices. BIG choices like what career you decide, who you marry, what house you buy, kids or no kids, if yes how MANY kids. All the way down to Do I want to get out of bed?What happens if I DON’T get out of bed today?What do I do first? Caffeine […]

July 5, 2021

525,600 minutes. 525,600 moments oh dear.525,600 minutes.How do you measure, measure a yearIn daylights? In sunsets? In midnights? In cups of coffee?In inches? In miles? In laughter, in strife? 525,600 minutes.How do you measure a year in the life? How about love?(Seasons of Love – Jonathan Larson) How do you REALLY measure a year?Its truly […]

June 15, 2021

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