There is something so sweet and special between a mother and her daughter. It’s like looking into a mirror. That can be a good thing, and that can also be… well… a revealing thing. I was told this years before my own daughter was even a thought in my future. But now, its reality. There is nothing like having a toddler around to remind you that you need to watch not only every word that comes from your mouth but more importantly HOW that word is said and what your face looks like when you say it.
HELLO mothers can I get an AMEN?!
This Mother and Daughter pair are no exception to that rule. It was such a blast getting to spend time with them, laugh with them, and capture some sweet moments between them. I can not count the times I have heard Jazz tell Corrinne “you can’t use that look on me, I INVENTED that look.” Even so, Corrinne kept us on our toes and holding out stomachs laughing at her looks and faces she made that yes, were indeed a replica of her mother 🙂
Jazz- Thank you so much for allowing me to capture these sweet portraits of you and Corrinne. You guys were absolute CHAMPS enduring the heat and working around the threatening rain clouds! I hope that these portraits and the time spent together will be a blessing to you and a fond reminder of all the blessings God has given you both for years to come. I pray that even though miles may separate you that the bond between you and Corrinne would grow and flourish and the love between you would continue to deepen until life brings you back closer together. It TRULY was such an honor and pleasure getting to spend time with you both. I hope it won’t be the last time!! (and I hope it won’t be too LONG before the next time!)

leave some love: