“Motherhood is a choice you make everyday.”
“Mothers never retire, no matter how old her children are, she is always a mom, always willing to encourage and help her children in any way she can”
If there ever were two truer statements about motherhood I don’t know what they would be. Mothers are like nothing else God has ever created. They give without measure, without thought of receiving in return. It truly is a thing of amazement to me. It always has been but even more so now that I am a mother myself.
All mothers are special. But some mothers are something more than special. I don’t actually have a word to describe it. They give more than even could be imagined. They give everything they have, and the things that they give that they teach, last through the generations. They seek no recognition for these lessons, they just quietly sit back and use every moment that they are able to give and instill more love and wisdom into the generations to come.
I had the honor and pleasure of being around two such mothers this week for this little session.
One I have had the distinct pleasure and honor of knowing for years, the other I have met two or three times in my life but I know her through the love and deep character that she has sewn into the fabric of her daughter for a lifetime.
Jessenia- You have been a mother since the day I met you. Not because of children born to you but because of the love and compassion and servants heart passed down to you from your beautiful and loving mother. Now, as I watch you mother the two blessings that God has handed you and take such wonderful care of the Man that God has blessed you with, it is blatantly apparent not only that you are blessed to have such a wonderful family, but that God has used you to continue to pass the blessing of your character, from your parents on to your family as a helpmeet and mother. Not only that, but you continue to splash your love on everyone around you. Keep blessing. Keep loving. Keep helping. Keep building. Keep serving. Keep on being the beautiful person God has created you to be.
Grandma Romie- Though I have not had the honor of being around you very often, I feel as though I know you just as if I had. Not just because of what I see in your eyes, your smile, your laugh, and your kind words, but because of what I know of and have seen in your daughter. You truly are a pillar to your family and have done a wonderful job at helping to shape and raise all of your children to be people of love, strength, and character. The world needs more mothers like you and I am so honored that I got to meet you and spend a little bit of time soaking in the quiet gentle rays of sunshine that radiate from your heart and your smile. I pray that God will bless you and your family and reveal and fulfill all that He has in store for you and for the rest of your lives.
Oh yes and the rest of the family 🙂 – It is always such a pleasure to spend time with you all as a whole. The love that you have for each other and the fun and laughter that is always present in each of your hearts and lives is refreshing.
Boys- I truly hope you see and know how blessed you are to have the love and support of your wonderful parents and family . They love you more than you will ever know or could ever understand. I hold BOTH of your parents with he utmost respect for all that they have given and sacrificed and poured into you both so that you can live the life that you live. Keep doing right. Whatever right is, always do RIGHT. And always love and respect your parents. Even when it doesn’t make sense. Trust them. They have your best interest in mind. I promise. Keep your heads up and never give up. Always try to do better and be better. Learn not just from what your Parents and Family say, but also what they do in honor, love, and out of their good character. God has amazing plans for both of you. I just can’t WAIT to see what those plans are!
Thank each of you so much for allowing me your time and patience as we worked through this session. Y’all are wonderful and I appreciate it so much!

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