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There is something so sweet and special between a mother and her daughter. It’s like looking into a mirror. That can be a good thing, and that can also be… well… a revealing thing. I was told this years before my own daughter was even a thought in my future. But now, its reality. There […]

August 4, 2021

One of the worst things about being a portrait photographer is also one of the best. Meeting people. I say it’s one of the worst because from the start of a session to the end of the session, most times I feel as if we have become family. I get to know each member of […]

July 31, 2021

When you think back to your golden middle school and high school years what is the first thing that comes to mind? The work? All the knowledge you gained? Fabulous teachers? The smell of the locker room? All of these things may come to mind but they aren’t what comes to mind first for me. […]

July 26, 2021

First just let me start by saying people like this are why I LOVE being a photographer. It is one thing to take pictures for someone who you have knows for ever, it is another to feel like you have known someone forever because of having the honor of working with their family on photo […]

July 20, 2021

Have you ever walked into a fancy FANCY hotel where you are greeted at the door, they know you by name and have taken care of everything? They quickly take your luggage and carry it for you up to your room where a tray of fruit and cheese is waiting and your bubble bath is […]

July 7, 2021

Life is full of choices. BIG choices like what career you decide, who you marry, what house you buy, kids or no kids, if yes how MANY kids. All the way down to Do I want to get out of bed?What happens if I DON’T get out of bed today?What do I do first? Caffeine […]

July 5, 2021

To think just a few months ago I didn’t even know these sweet people, and now after 3 sweet and fun sessions already they have become like family. It is always a joy to get to watch and capture the interaction between each of them. In a world where dads are becoming optional, it is […]

July 4, 2021

Pottery has always been fascinating to me. It’s amazing how the various elements of simple dirt and water creat clay when pressure is applied. That clay is then placed in the hands of the potter who creates a tedious, beautiful, unique, one of a kind vessel using care, patience, and pressure. As beautiful as this […]

June 22, 2021

This Session was SUCH a sweet and fun session! I am so glad I have had the privilege to meet Erica and her SWEET baby girl! I won’t bore you with telling you how GORGEOUS the light made these pictures, but I will go into how sweet it was to watch this Mama interact with […]

May 27, 2021

This was SUCH a great session in so many ways! Most family sessions have a little bit of everything in them but THIS one REALLY had a little bit of everything in it as a Family/Couple/Sibling/One-year-old/Cake smash Session! They were such champs with all my back and forth and switching around! I will warn you. […]

May 24, 2021

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