Fort Macon | One Year Old Family Session | Nehemiah

I can’t believe this sweet little guy is already 1!! It seems like just yesterday we were waiting FOOORRREEEVVVEEERRRRRR for him to arrive!! But here he is! A year later just as cute and cuddly as can be.

As parents, I think I speak for more than just myself when I say there is a certain mix of feelings when waiting for a sweet baby to arrive. Whether it is your first, or your 3rd, or even 10th, (though I wouldn’t know that one from experience) a new addition to the family always brings change. And changes, even good ones, often bring with the anticipation and excitement, feelings of fear, doubt, and uncertainty.

I have had the honor and pleasure of watching as this family has gone through so many changes in the past few years! Each has come with a good mix of emotions but these two have championed each and every one! From not even knowing each other, to becoming a couple, to now a family of 3 they have grown deeper and deeper in love each step of the way!

I can’t wait to watch and cheer from the sidelines as they continue to grow, blossom, and flourish under God’s blessings, the love of each other, and the love and support of everyone around them.

Luis & Heather – It was SUCH an honor and pleasure to get to spend a little time with your beautiful family capturing this sweet time in your life! I pray that as you continue to walk hand in hand that you would also continue to enjoy not just the big things in life (like a first birthday!!) but also the little things, the joy of walking hand in hand along the beach, the giggle of Nehemiah as his toes kick in the sand or he throws his had, each and ever smile and “I love you” passed between you. Just like the beach, the beauty we see in life isn’t just made of big things, but instead comprised of countless grains of sand. Enjoy the little things!

Love you guys! I truly can’t wait to watch and celebrate as God walks you into the next stage of your wonderful beautiful life! Whatever that is!

September 22, 2022

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