Such a sweet session getting to know these two. Once again I found myself listening to the history of their family and the wonderful memories connected to Oak Island, and enjoying every moment!
I was also reminded once again how truly blessed we are to have such a wonderful and relaxing resource and privilege in our “back yard.”
Will and Marie mentioned that during the pandemic they were able to come and spend quite a bit of time “getting away” here on the beach. What an amazing privilege to have it as an option to get away from the big city even with such a long trip from their home. However, it reminded me once again how little I take advantage of this great getaway just a 15-20 min drive from our home.
It was also a great reminder that no matter what, with the busy busy world we live in, we really do need to take time to allow our minds to “get away” and detox. Whether a walk in the park, a trip to the beach, or even if its just to soak in the tub and relax for 30 min. It truly is amazing what a little rest for your mind will do to energize, refresh, and boost productivity for all other areas of your life.
Though I really should set more time aside to enjoy the beach and the ocean, each time I get to go and serve a wonderful couple like Will and Marie and spend a few moments with the sun and waves and salt air, it is a little treat. It was even more of a treat to know that THEY got to enjoy the R&R as well getting away from the hustle and bustle of normal life.
Will + Marie – It was truly an honor to meet you, get to know you a little better, and spend a few moments getting to watch you both enjoy some down time. You truly just fit each other so wonderfully. And even though I know “get tortured by photographer” was not number 1 on your list of things to do on your vacation, I hope it wasn’t TOO torturous and I hope you truly did get to enjoy the down time the rest of your week, returning to life refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized to save the world!
I can’t wait to celebrate your big day with you both!

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