Beaufort Wedding | Deagan + Jolena | Beaufort NC

YOU DID IT!!! I know the past few months have felt like this day would never come for these two but it came and its history now! These two are no longer two, but one. Congrats y’all!!

I have been honored to get to watch this young lady grow literally from a child to this beautiful bride you see. I can’t say that I have know Deagan that long or that well but never the less it is not hard to see that they know how to make each other smile. It truly was wonderful to spend time celebrating with these two. Jolena’s sparkle for life and Deagan’s layed back relaxed approach work together to make a beautiful piece of art that is sure to get more beautiful with each passing day given the right love, nurturing and care.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds and I hope to be able to watch as these two grow in life and love together working towards the best future they can make together.

Deagan and Jolena – Though life won’t always be as fun and exciting as it was on this wonderful day for you guys, I hope and pray that every day is better than the day before and that even through the hard times you realize how wonderful it is to have the love and companionship of each other. It’s such a blessing being able to walk with a team mate who you know will always be on your side. Even when opinions and views are different, never forget, you’re on the same team and the goal should always be the same – a better future for you and your family.

I hope and pray that as you continue this journey together you will allow God to work in both of your lives and not just help you on this journey you have embarked on together, but take you on the path that HE has designed and catered specifically for the two of you. Love. Laugh. Trust. Grow. as you work together and hold each other up, supporting each other no matter what life brings your way.

Love you guys! Thanks for allowing me to be part of your day!

June 18, 2022

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