Tryon Gardens Graduation Session | New Bern NC | Andreana

I am SO proud of this girl for keeping her nose to the grind and MAKING IT to graduation!! WOOHOO!! Way to go!!

If you only knew how many prayers were answered between the first day of classes and now, you would be amazed, but thats not my story to tell. If you want to hear it, just ask this smiling face you see here or her mama or daddy.

Tenacity is defined as the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly. OR the quality or fact of being very determined.

In other words, the ability to not give up. No matter what knocks you down, no matter WHO says you can’t, no matter what obstacle stands in your way, no matter what mountain you have to climb.

In many ways, it is easier than ever for a high school graduate to go on to college and complete their degree. It is accepted in society, promoted and some might even say expected. But when it comes down to it, it still takes work, long hours, sacrifice, and the determination to keep going. Day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute sometimes, a college student must make up their mind, “I’m going to keep going.”

This isn’t just a one time decision, this is an every day decision, because unlike high school, college is not a requirement. If you decide to quit, no one is really going to stop you. But on the flip side, if you make up your mind that you ARE going to do this, no matter what it takes, nothing can stand in your way either.

That is where Tenacity comes it. But it doesn’t stop at graduation day. Not even close. Consider this paid practice. Now comes life. The world. And the real test of grit. What are you going to let stand in your way now? What are you going to let hold you back or hold you down now? What mountain are you going to look at and say “no that one’s too high?” Hopefully none. Because the Bible say’s you can do ALL THINGS.

But there’s a catch. Phillipians 4:13 says we can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens us. There is no limitation, just a qualification, we must do it with the strength that God gives us. And that means we also need to invest our time in doing what GOD wants us to do. Trust me. He means what He said. If God is in it, there is no losing. Its really like having the secret cheat code to all the tests!

“Oh it can’t really be like that”, you say. Try it and see! I dare you. One thing our Pastor says and I have found to be true many times in my own life is that if God fails you, you will be the first person in history that he has failed. That doesn’t mean things will always go our way, but if we will just HOLD ON. Keep tapping into that tenacity and not give up before the finish line, we will truly see just how true it is.

Success takes work, sometimes pain, often times small “failures” and setbacks along the way. But you wouldn’t expect training for a marathon to be easy would you? You wouldn’t expect it to be pain free or without obstacle, so why do we expect life to be that way? and at the first rough spot in the road we throw our hands up and cry “God failed me!!!”

He didn’t fail you though, its just building muscle, stamina, wisdom, strength. Keep going. This wont be the last rough spot I can guarantee. Some will be harder, some will be easier, but if you give up now, you’ll never see the splendor of your finish line.

Andreana – Keep being tenacious. Just make sure you’re holding on to the right things. God is your guaranteed ticket to success. He has so much stored up for you. Plans we know not of. Trust Him with it all. He will never let you down. No matter what life throws, we can’t face it on our own, but we have the cheat code! Nothing is too big or too hard for God.

You’ve done it!! Now go take on the world!

Thanks so much for allowing me to spend the morning with you and celebrate with you by taking these photos!! Keep holding your head high!

April 2, 2022

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