I remember the day this little girl was BORN! I can’t believe she is already double digits… I’m gonna need a tissue for this one.
Most every girl dreams of being a princess at one time or another in her life. Why? What is it that seems so appealing about a princess? Most fairytales are hardly beautiful easy going stories until the end. Like normal people, even royalty goes through tough times and they have to rise up to the challenge, conquer the obstacles, and win the race of life.
Though we may each be born into different families, different cultures, different states, countries, and worlds as it would seem, we can’t control those situations, but we CAN control how we respond and react to those situations.
Not only that, but we have the chance to truly become a princess of the ORIGINAL King. The King of ALL kings. And when you’re daddy is the King of Kings, there is nothing that can keep you down. Nothing you can’t overcome with HIS help.
That’s the kind of princess I want to be. Forget the fancy dresses. I just want to know I am loved by THE KING. And that no matter what comes my way I’m not fighting alone, my Daddy is fighting with me, and we will always win.
Naomi- I am so proud of you for making it this far! for staying sweet. Remember who you are and who you are called to be. STAY SWEET. Don’t give way to the desires for fickle things. Trust God. Love Him with ALL you’re heart. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness and ALL these things and He will give you the desires of your heart.
YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE KING – a TRUE princess. Don’t ever forget that.

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