In Home Newborn Session | Baby Evelyn

This session touched every part of my heart! Watching this sweet couple glow as they enjoyed their precious baby girl was absolutely PRICELESS!!

So just a warning, I couldn’t stop adding photos to their highlights and blog! If you’re a statistics person, there are just as many photos in this blog as are generally in most sessions HIGHLIGHTS collection. And yes, their Highlights has twice as many as in the blog.

So I apologize (but not really) I just had to share this sweetness.

One of my favorite parts about in home sessions is the feeling of my not actually being there in many of the photos. This session really does stirs “all the feels” as some would say. Even though I was obviously there, the chemistry and love between these three was so strong that I was able to sit back and just capture their natural interaction much of the time.

And let me tell you, there is something about a mother’s bond with her child. But even more remarkable to me, AS a mother, is the natural bond between a child and their father. Especially a newborn. Especially THIS sweet newborn.

Sweet little Evelyn is an itty bitty thing but she is a mover and a shaker if you can’t tell. But let her daddy get ahold of her and face her towards him and look into those sweet baby blue eyes… its like peace just washes over her. she relaxes. her arms stop moving, her eyes lock on to her daddy’s eyes and there is this connection you can almost FEEL between them.

Not just because it’s her daddy, but because even at just barely 2 weeks old, she knows she is safe in his arms. She knows he will take care of her just as much as mommy will. There truly is something about seeing a sweet baby resting safely and peacefully in their daddy’s arms.

I can’t help but allow this scene to remind me that we also feel that safety when we rest assured that God as our Father will hold us and keep us safe. Just because Evelyn’s father loves her doesn’t mean she won’t ever cry, thats silly for us to even imagine, of course babies will cry. But what does he do when she cries, he scoops her up, holds her close to his heart and meets her need, whether for comfort, sleep, or for a bottle. Later down the road I am sure Evelyn will at some point fall and scrape her knee, maybe while learning to walk, run, or ride a bike. But Corbett being the great daddy he already is, will scoop her up, take care of her needs, and then encourage her to try again.

Sometimes we can get trapped in the “well if God really loved me, why did I get hurt? Why didn’t He stop the pain?” what we fail to realize is that more times than not, pain comes in the growth. Babies need food to grow. When they are hungry it hurts! They cry! When we learn to walk, we fall, it hurts, but instead of getting mad, we try again.

What if instead of asking God “Why did you let this happen?!” we instead say “Thanks God for being here when I needed your help, comfort, support, and encouragement to try again” and then…get up and try again.

Every time I see a father gaze into the eyes of their newborn baby, just as I watched with Corbett and Evelyn, I am reminded of the deep love God has for each of us and His desire to love, care for, protect, and help us grow, just like an earthly daddy should.

Sorry for going off on a little emotional rant there. My soft side got carried away.

Corbett and Lissi- Treasure these moments, enjoy them, even the tough ones, the tired ones, and the stressful ones. They grow too fast! but even so, don’t morn the passing of these days as sweet little Evelyn grows, but instead celebrate them! Embrace them! and do all that you can to savor every moment of them.

I pray that as you grow as a family with this birth of your sweet baby girl, as well as your marriage, that life would be good to you. Not free of tough times, because without them we really don’t grow and will never be what God has intended us to be. But instead, that when tough times come, that as a family you will bond together and fight together FOR each other and never AGAINST each other. That you would hold fast to the love that is so strong between all three of you. That no matter what comes your way, you will always come through stronger and better and wiser.

It TRULY was SUCH a treat getting to be part of your lives for a day. Thank you for giving me that honor, and I hope in return you enjoy these portraits of not just y’all but the love and life that flows between you all. ENJOY!

March 28, 2022

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