What exactly is it that defines the word “Mother?” I truly believe that the word mother is not solely defined by the number of times she has given birth, but instead by the number of times she has opened up her heart and allowed herself to poor her love on others.
This does not come without a price however, as any mother will tell you. The more love you pour out, the more you open yourself up to the vulnerability of being hurt.
The deeper you allow someone to be inside your heart, the deeper you feel the pain of not just the hurt they direct towards you, but the hurt they feel themselves.
It is one thing to mother with your body, it is an entirely different thing to mother with your heart and all of your being.
This, I believe, is what defines being a mother.
I have watched these three lovely and exceptionally beautiful ladies as they have each, in their own special situations and circumstances, been mothers in the deepest definition of the word.
Not just physically but emotionally.
Each one has opened their hearts, their arms, their homes, their emotions, and dedicated their time, energy, love and even finances to “children” they have not bore. It has not been an easy road. It has not always been fun. Sometimes it is thankless and may not even feel worth it.
Yet they have continued on. In some cases multiple times over. Despite the pain, despite the sacrifice, despite the lack of thanks. They have selflessly given of themselves. Only Heaven truly knows and can repay the love they have poured out on those around them, deserving and undeserving, in public and in private. That is what being a mother truly is.
Nichol- I have already said a bit to you in your own blog, however, I will say again that I truly hope and pray that God continues to bless you and your family time and time over for the love and selfless kindness you have shown not just to your own children but to your family and friends around you by giving of your time, energy and resources when anyone and I mean ANYONE is in need. From being at a bedside in the hospital, to helping someone with a sore muscle in the hallway at church, to a text of kind words, You truly have a mothers heart.
Jessenia- You would be hard pressed to find someone who works harder and gives more to the people around them than you do. Possibly AS much, but not more. From the day I met you you have not stopped serving, hosting, working, and helping (and feeding!) someone. Whether they need it or not! I can’t wait to see what God continues to have in store for you and your family. May you not be able to contain the blessings He gives back to you 100 fold of the love and kindness you have sacrificed for your family, your boys, your friends, and even the stranger on the street. You deserve it.
Mama- You truly are the definition of a mother. Just as I couldn’t find someone who works as hard as Jessenia, I don’t know that I could ever find someone who loves more or deeper than you do. Not only have I seen this in you but I have experienced it. I can’t count the times that I have been recipient to your kindness, your patience, your generosity, your guidance, and overall your love. There is no way I can write in a mere paragraph all that my heart wants to express. And yet it goes so much deeper, I would not be the person I am today if it weren’t for the mother you are, the love and sacrifice and kindness you have shown me and my family, and the example I am honored to see in you day in and day out. It seems insignificant but I truly pray that God continues to bless you in every way possible and gives you the strength to continue to be a blessing to even more than the thousands of lives you have already impacted. I repeat, only heaven knows and can significantly repay you for all you have truly poured out and all you deserve in return. My heart rests in knowing that someday (a loooong time from now), you truly will have your due reward.

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