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What is love? Do we really know? In today’s world “love” is displayed in so many ways and described in various manners. But is that really love? The Bible describes love as patient (long-suffering), kind, not envious, not boastful (not vaunting itself), not proud or puffed up, not dishonoring or unseemly, not self-seeking, not easily […]

March 8, 2022

I have SO much to say about this session!! AND so many more photos I cant WAIT to share!! In short, this was such a SWEET and fun session! I’m pretty sure more time was spent laughing (or yawning) than anything else. This was a bit of a tough session for me, while I am […]

February 26, 2022

This was such a sweet and FUN session! It was wonderful to get to celebrate Effie’s 68th Birthday with her! (She doesn’t look- or act- a day over 24!) She’s still got it goin ON!! 🙂 Not only that, I had the privilege of watching her children and one of her grandchildren absolutely pamper her! […]

January 2, 2022

I feel like I have said this before but it bears saying again, sometimes you just KNOW when two people are in love. I had another session this weekend that I just couldn’t help smile the whole time (when I wasn’t laughing) Not only was this session good and fun, there were moments when I […]

October 6, 2021

I think we can all say that if not now, at one time or another we have all fallen prone to the weight of the hustle and bustle life throws at us. If we aren’t careful it can sneak up on us, overcome us and hold us down. We start losing sight of the things […]

October 2, 2021

When you think back to your golden middle school and high school years what is the first thing that comes to mind? The work? All the knowledge you gained? Fabulous teachers? The smell of the locker room? All of these things may come to mind but they aren’t what comes to mind first for me. […]

July 26, 2021

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