Hammocks Beach State Park | Engagement Session | Trevor + Audra

What is love?

Do we really know? In today’s world “love” is displayed in so many ways and described in various manners. But is that really love?

The Bible describes love as patient (long-suffering), kind, not envious, not boastful (not vaunting itself), not proud or puffed up, not dishonoring or unseemly, not self-seeking, not easily provoked or angered, thinking no evil, keeping no record or wrong, not delighting or rejoicing in evil, but rejoicing in truth, ALWAYS protecting, bearing all things, ALWAYS trusting, believing all things, ALWAYS hoping in all things and ALWAYS persevering and enduring.

Every time I read this or any part of 1 Corinthians 13 it always serves as a challenge to me. (maybe even more so since the King James Version uses my name directly)

When I tell someone I love them, am I just saying it? or am I truly treating them as described above?

Having only had the pleasure of meeting Trevor and Audra the day of the session, I can’t say from experience what they have been through, what they display regularly and even where they are lacking (because we all have somewhere where we can improve.)

But what I can say is that when they look into each other’s eyes, everything else disappears.

I was convinced 5 minutes into this session that they have been models. They denied this and actually assured me they had NEVER even gotten photos done together before. I was shocked! Women tend to warm up to the camera pretty quickly, gentlemen however usually take a little longer or need a lot of reminding to relax, have fun, be yourself, etc. I was impressed with how quickly Trevor was relaxed during the session. Then I realized, it wasn’t me or my skills. The trick was Audra. more specifically her eyes. Every time I had them look at each other it truly was as if we disappeared, they were no longer in front of a camera but they were alone in the world with just each other. It was the sweetest thing to watch.

So is that love? ❤️ Well, no, I wouldn’t say THAT is love. I would say that is the result of love, the aftermath, the symptom, the reward, the delight. Should I go on?

As the session went on, I was so delighted in watching the interaction between this sweet couple. I wish I could do a better job at describing it but all I can do is hope that you are able to see just a glimmer of what I saw as we were shooting this session.

There is no question in my mind that while no one is perfect, these two are working already to show and perfect the definition of love mentioned above.

Trevor & Audra- Thank you SO much for taking the time and making the long trip up to NC so we could squeeze in a session before your upcoming wedding. I am absolutely delighted to have bet you and to share this time getting to know you both just a little bit better before the big day.

As you grow closer in your relationship and as you start out your marriage and life together, I pray that you would continue to remember the time tested and true definition of love mentioned above. Grow together, treasure each other, fight FOR each other instead of AGAINST each other. Always remember you are better together and it is better to give than it is to receive. As backwards as it seems, there is so much joy is selflessly giving love to another without expectation of anything in return. Sometimes it is in those moments when the other person CAN’T give back to us that the reward is the greatest for us in giving of ourself and our heart to them.

I truly pray that I have the privilege of sharing joy with y’all along this journey and seeing even more love sparkle and shine out of your eyes. I am SOO looking forward to your wedding! Can’t wait to celebrate with you and your families!!

March 8, 2022

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