I can’t even begin to express the honor it was to do this sweet session.
Let me first introduce you to the man who has said for years he is never getting married.
Meet Darien.
Now, let me introduce you to the beautiful woman inside and out who changed his heart and his mind in just a short period of time.
Meet Kylie.
It would be a completely hopeless feat to attempt to put into words how miraculous this story is so I’m not even going to try. But rest assured. The love shining between them is a testimony of two people completely surrendered to God allowing Him to completely control their direction and path in life.
When I was a little girl I loved going with my daddy ANYWHERE he would take me with him.
Sometimes we would go to the hardware store, sometimes the dump, sometimes Pappy’s truck garage, sometimes the gas station. Generally I knew where we were going, but every now and again, as we drove with the windows down feeling the breeze fly through my hair, Daddy would suddenly turn off the expected path. Sometimes it was just to run an additional errand that I didn’t know about. But sometimes it was into the parking lot of the Dog House (our local ice cream stand) for an unexpected Ice Cream cone. Other times, on long trips in the truck going cross country, it was to a road side restaurant for a lunch instead of the meat and cheese sandwiches we planned. Still other times it was to a overlook at the top of a mountain where we could get out and he would stand me up on the guard rail and I could see forever feeling like a bird flying through the mountains.
Whatever the case, when we would turn off unexpectedly, my curiosity would inevitably get the best of me and I would start asking the normal childlike questions “where are we going” “why did we turn off” “what do we need to do” etc. Generally my questions were either met with a “you’ll see” or a “just wait and find out” or even just silence as he tried to contain his smile.
Where ever we went, whatever the “surprise”, it was always a treat and a special time. I think my dad got as much enjoyment out of giving those “surprises” to me and watching my face light up, looking out over the mountains and valleys and lakes, or watching ice cream drip down my chin, as I got out of the actual experience.
Whether your dad was that way or not, one thing rings true, God – your HEAVENLY Father, is ALWAYS like that.
He is just that way. The Bible says He loves giving gifts to His children. We just have to trust Him.
So many times we get in the car of life and decide we know where we are going so we will just go ahead and drive, not realizing that God has something special planned for us if we just surrender to HIS will and let Him take over and drive.
It is SO much easier and more enjoyable to just sit back, feel the wind in our hair and the sun on our face, and just let GOD be GOD, than it is to say “I got this God, you just ride along. I know where we are going and I don’t need you to drive. “
Need it or not, I WANT God to drive. Because HE knows all the awesome places to take a detour. He knows the best spots to stop for a quick ‘Ice Cream Cone”. He knows all the secret places that take the journey from a journey to an adventure. That’s the life I want.
Darien + Kylie –
I’m sure you are probably tired of my telling you how happy I am for you two.
It has been such a joy watching as your two lives, apparently heading in two different directions, took turns and smashed right into each other. I can’t wait to watch as God takes you both on the journey ahead of you. I pray that as you trust Him and as you walk together hand in hand, that the Journey will become an Adventure, full of surprise detours and blessings so magnificent that only God could dream them up for His loved and beloved children.
A wise person once said something along the line of blessed is the tree that knows how to be flexible, for though it may bend, it will not break. I pray that as you continue down this road of life, that you will continue to yield yourselves in complete surrender and flexibility to the best driver in the world – God. And let Him blow your minds.
I’m so happy and honored to be just a small fly on the wall of this journey.
Love you both! Can’t wait for the rest to unfold.

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