Village Park Wedding | Kannapolis NC | Jorge + Jessie

I can’t believe the day finally came! It seems this sweet celebration has been in the works forever. It was such an honor to celebrate with this sweet couple and their wonderful family.

There is a very special and fascinating art from Japan called Kintsugi. This is where the artist takes a broken piece of pottery and puts the pieces back together but instead of trying to hide the fact that it has been broken, he uses lacquer mixed with or dusted with dust of precious metals, such as gold or silver, to form a new, truly beautiful piece of art.

Not only does this take the piece of pottery and elevate the value of it due to the precious metals, but it also elevates the value because no two pieces are ever the same. each one is not only hand crafted but unique and rare.

Often times things happen in life that leave us with scars or cracks. But what we do with that situation is what decides whether our life becomes cast away, or a precious work of art.

Like all of us, Jorge and Jessie have been through things in life that could have left them broken and cast to the side as it were, but instead, they have chosen to take those things that could have and maybe even should have shattered them, and create instead a beautiful work of art.

Instead of allowing things to drive them apart, these two and their beautiful kids have worked and carved and worked long and hard laborious hours to take every day and make it into a more beautiful piece of art than it was the day before.

Everything about this beautiful day was a testimony to this.

The look in their eyes when they saw each other, the smiles on their families’ faces watching these two commit their lives to each other. The numerous tissues needed to catch the unbidden tears of BOTH Bride and Groom. The laughter and joy that filled the venue both inside and out. The sweet and funny vows of promising to negotiate an amiable plan to split the last piece of Pizza.

Everything spoke of this couples love and dedication to each other, just as the care that an artist takes to take the broken pieces of a bowl or vase and carefully fit it together into something new, precious, and beautiful.


What a journey this has been! I am truly so honored to have gotten to not only spend this wonderful day with you but to get to know you over the last 2 years, to be able to capture so many warm and wonderful moments between the two of you and your amazing family.

I pray that as you both walk from this day on, hand in hand, heart to heart, you would find the joy, peace, and love that God intended for you. I pray that no matter what comes your way, the answer could always be found in God and each other. That when times are great or times are tough, that the love and support of your family and friends would surround you and remind you that its worth it. That it truly couldn’t be any better than this.

I truly wish you all the best! and can’t wait to see where life takes you all from here!

May 27, 2023

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