Ocean Isle Beach | Beach House Wedding | Mark + Andrea

It is always a joy to serve couples and capture the love and fun they share with their close friends and family, but this time I feel more like we JOINED the family than simply captured them. It was such a joy and pleasure to meet each of these wonderful people and join them for the sweet and intimate time they shared both Thursday Evening as well as Saturday for the main event.

Every wedding we serve we see two families coming together to become one, linked together by the love between two people. It is not every day however, that we get to watch as two families come together so well that it is hard to determine where one used to end and the other began. From the beginning Andrea told me they wanted more of a family reunion feel than the normal wedding feel. I would say they nailed it! In spending time with Mark and Andrea, their children, their families, and their close friends, it truly did feel as if everyone were one big happy family. There didn’t seem to be a line at all between “his” and “her” family.

Nor did there seem to be a limit to the fun. From the very minutes we stepped in the house, the sound of laughter could be heard and didn’t end till long after we had left I am sure. From the youngest to the oldest, everyone was mixed in and sharing the love and joy. This of course could have been attributed to a number of things but I know for a fact it was largely attributed to the love and joy of the couple of the day – Mark and Andrea themselves.

I don’t think I saw a moment that Mark and Andrea weren’t smiling, hugging someone, laughing and overall just enjoying the fabulous weekend. It felt good to watch them, to be there, and to see how their joy and enthusiasm splashed from one guest to the next as everyone shared in their love.

Mark + Andrea – It truly was a joy and pleasure to be with you and share such a wonderful weekend with you and your families. I pray that as time goes on, not just the memories of the weekend, but the very same joy and love that was exploding from each of you, will continue to sparkle and flow to others. Not just between you, but on to your children and families and the friends surrounding you as well. That God would bring you closer to each other, closer to your families, and closer to Him no matter what life brings down the paths ahead. That even when the clouds of life come, that you will cling to each other and the love around you and remember that no matter what it looks like from our perspective, the sun is still shining, and in time, the clouds will clear and we will bask in the warmth of its rays again. Until then, hold tight to each other and bask in the warmth and light from the love and joy that I know is sure to continue from this weekend into every day of the life you have chosen to share with each other.

You both have something so special and I am honored to have gotten to have just a tiny bit of that special spark sparkle into my life and splash on me. Keep sparkling and keep splashing! You never know who’s life you are effecting when you do!

October 22, 2022

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