Hello World!! Meet Baby Lucas. He is such a sweet little gentleman!! (not to mention a mini me of his handsome big brother.)
It was such a joy to get to work with this sweet family once again to capture this precious and exciting time.
Let’s be honest, can you ever really get enough of the tiny little newborn toes, perfect little fingers, the way they scrunch their nose, even their little newborn cry is adorable!
I never stop being completely amazed by the way God truly has knit each precious little one together in the womb for his perfect timing. The whole process is simply indescribably amazing to me. Maybe a little more right now because we are tracking the progress of our own new little peanut being formed and knit in the womb but even though this is our third go round at patiently waiting for our new precious joy, it never gets old.
Photographing Kyle and Erica with sweet baby Lucas and big brother was just another joyous reminder of how sweet and precious not only the process of life is, but also time itself. It wont be long until Lucas’s little fingers fill out to chubby little ones able to reach out and grasp Mama’s hair and hold big brothers fingers, reach up for Daddy’s glasses, or pull the puppy’s tail to his mouth.
When those day’s come it will seem only moments ago they were tenderly cradling this newborn Lucas and dreaming of the days ahead.
Kyle + Erica –
Thank you again so much for not only inviting me into your home but into your family life to capture these sweet moments and memories. I pray that as little Lucas grows you will all grow closer to each other and that the bonds of love that tie you now will be so strong and so unbreakable that nothing can separate you all from each other.
Enjoy these moments (as of course you know) they won’t last forever. Though its tempting to wish away the late night feedings and midnight snacking in hopes of a good night’s rest, enjoy them as much as you can. Before long this little sweet thing you are snuggling will be running in circles and you’ll only have these sweet sweet memories to take you back to these days. So love them while they last, enjoy the good and the better, and make every moment into a memory.
Love you all!! Can’t wait till next time!!

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