I can’t believe this little man is already turning 1!! It was such a pleasure to do these photos! After all this little guy went through it is such a wonderful sweet blessing to see him be the strong little man he is today!
I feel like the theme lately in a lot of ways has been life not going exactly how we plan. Not that that makes things BAD necessarily. But ultimately, if we can just trust God and rely on Him, we can rest assured that it will all be ok. If life as we know it blows up, no matter what we can rest assured that God will catch us and make things right again.
This little Man’s arrival was just one of those things. He decided that he just was not going to wait until his “due” date to arrive. He wanted to come NOW and come he did. 6 weeks early! But he is a CHAMP and so is his family! He came out breathing on his own but because of a number of reasons he still got himself an 11 day stay in the NICU, and a few more in the hospital before finally making it home to snuggle with his eager siblings.
That’s exactly the story that every parent wants and expects when they plan to welcome a new bundle of joy into the world right? …NOT!!
But sometimes we just don’t get to pick the situations around us and how things turn out. All we can choose is our reactions and the choices we make off of the happenings going on in our lives. Bad things happen unfortunately to a lot of good people. But bad things or even just unexpected things don’t have to weigh us down. They definitely don’t have to keep us down, even if they successfully knock us down.
We have the choice as to whether we are going to focus on the bad in life, or if we are going to accept it, recover, move on, get over it, and despite the bad, use the experience to make us STRONGER.
I have to believe that that is exactly what Elias did. Even though as a newborn I’m sure it was instinct not choice, it is amazing to me the way that God has designed us to naturally fight for our lives and grow from our experiences even from the moment of conception.
Not only did Elias do this, but I believe he truly served as an inspiration to all those around his watching him and rooting for him to fight and grown and overcome all the obstacles in his way.
And overcome he did! And oh how STRONG he is now!!
The same is the case for us. If we just make up our mind, trust God, hold on to Him and follow the footsteps He has ordered for us, we are going to be ok. Better than ok, we are going to be GREAT and STRONG as well!
Elias – I am so proud of you little man!! You have done so much in the last year and there is so much that lies before you! I pray that as you grow God will keep His hand on you and that He will make clear the path before you and guide and use the strength He has placed in your heart, your mind, and your body.
Mom & Dad – Y’all are some tough cookies. You took everything thrown at you in stride and are STRONGER for the experience of it. I pray that as you both keep walking hand in hand that just like each situation God brings you through that you will grow stronger and closer together and that God will use your lives and your testimonies as a strength and inspiration to everyone around you. Y’all are awesome!!

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