I’m gonna be honest. I enjoy all of my sessions but some are just a little closer to my heart. THIS one happens to be VERY near and dear to my heart since it involved my own son and 2 of his amigos.
These 3 boys were all born within a week of each other and we have done our best to capture each milestone together along the way. Their second birthday of course is no exception!
I may be biased but I hope you enjoy all their cuteness as much as I do! They each have such different and special personalities and they ALL came through during our little mini session!
As mothers, whether to children born of our body or born of our hearts, we long for those sweet precious children to be the best that they can be. We dream of what they will become, watch as they triumph as well as fall and want to do whatever we can to make sure they succeed.
It has been encouraging and refreshing, entertaining and enlightening, to watch these three little guys grow through their first 2 years together. As already mentioned, each of these sweet boys is uniquely their own in every way. (other than their outfits in the photos and their sweet milk chocolate brown eyes)
One is a first child, one a second, one a third. All loved very dearly by everyone around them. Their sizes are stair steps. Gabe is gregariously outgoing and always sporting a huge smile and wave just like his uncles. Kenny is so sweet and shy a smile is like finding a gold nugget. Not given easily but such a wonderful heart warming treasure that it is worth the wait and hard work to get it! Malachi it just depends on his mood (what can I say?)
I can only imagine what adventure lies before them and as a mother it brings tears to my eyes just thinking of them growing side by side and some day taking one of these photos with them all three lined up in caps and gowns. And that is as sentimental as I can get with this or I will never make it through and I will fry my computer with the flowing tears.
I want to say a special thanks to their sweet wonderful mothers- Briana and Celina. We don’t often get to get the three of them together outside of church thanks to the hustle and bustle of life, but they have always been such champs when I ask them to drag their sweet boys (and siblings) out into whatever the weather decides to do that day. We have been through all the cold, heat, rain, and sunshine, but they always do it gracefully with smiles on their face and enthusiasm, ready to help and keep their boys smiling.
Ladies- Thank you so much for this sweet sentimental gift you give me and these boys each time you put up with these sessions. You both are wonderful and such amazing ladies, mothers, and friends. I have learned so much from both of you and I pray that as these boys grow and we watch them together that God will continue to strengthen each of you as He guides you and helps you to continue to be the best mothers and wonderful people you can be. You are both very special ladies and I count it a high privilege to have you each in my life and to call you friend and sister.
Can’t wait until next time!

I love this so much!
You’re too sweet! Thank you!
I LOVE these photos!🥰😊
Thank you for this!
I am excited for year 3 😁
You’re very welcome. I’m glad you love them! and I’m already looking forward to it as well!