It was such a privilege to get to celebrate this weekend with this sweet young couple and their families and friends.
On top of that, it was an absolute blast being able to not only serve them as they start their new adventure together, but get to know each of them as well as their closest friends and family.
Believe me when I say, things are not always as you would think.
But more than that it truly was an honor to see and hear how God has worked in the lives of these sweet young people, and their parents, to bring them from two different parts of the country, to start their lives together.
We may not always understand all the different things God uses to get us to a certain place in life, but once we are there we can look back and see how each and every moment worked together to get us to where we are.
In my Sunday School class this past week we taught our 4 year olds about trusting God.
For their “snack” we brought out a number of ingredients:
Cocoa Power
Baking Soda
We had them taste each thing. Some they liked (like the sugar), some they thought they wanted but didn’t taste how they expected (like the cocoa), some they didn’t like at all.
After they tried everything, we pulled out cookies and explained that everything on the table was in the cookies, but in order to get the end result, we had to put some things in that don’t taste great on their own, but when mixed with all the other items, make a delicious result.
In the same way, there are things that we go through in life that we like, some that we don’t like, and some that we thought we would like, maybe even ASKED for, but in the end didn’t like.
No matter the combination or ratio though, if we will just trust God, HE will order our steps and align the things in our life for our success and use us for His glory.
I would be willing to say that both Trey, Cherish, and their families and friends have ALL gone through things in life that were GREAT and things that hurt, things that were tough, and things that were easy. Even more I would be willing to say that ALL of us have. But regardless of the combination of experiences, if we trust God not only can we see that He truly has worked all things for our good, but we can boldly continue to trust Him that he will CONTINUE to work ALL things towards our good.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Trey & Cherish- Thank you SO much for allowing us to be a small part of such a big and wonderful day. It truly was an honor.
I don’t expect anything I have said is anything new, nor is my prayer for you both and your future an uncommon one. I pray that as you start this wonderful journey together, you will never take for granted the sweet love God has put between you, nor all the twists and turns He used to get you where you are today.
Some parts of your life together will be amazing! The sweet stuff books are written about! But always remember, it is not in the good times that we generally grow the most. Don’t look at the hard moments, the struggles, the disagreements, the hurts, the tough times in the life ahead of you as simply pain, look at it as just another ingredient God is using at that moment, to get you to a delicious and wonderful result. Keep trusting Him. If you stop a recipe half way through, or dont bake a cake the whole time, the result is… shall we say less than desirable? Trust God, and KEEP trusting Him, the WHOLE way through until your last breath. Never give up. Never look at the here and now alone. Savor the sweet ingredients, keep mixing the nasty ones, but hold fast to the promise that God has for you both.
I can not WAIT to see how God continues to work in you and through you to not only make YOUR lives into something special but to influence and lift up those around you both.
Thank you again for such a sweet weekend! We will NEVER forget it 🙂

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