Beach Engagement Session | Emerald Isle NC | Ian + Lauren

I want to start out by saying that this couple was absolutely fantastic!
We worked quickly to get a last minute session scheduled with a limited time frame and they were totally amazing working around and being flexible with a big rain storm on the forecast and our other sessions.

I also knew going into this session, just by talking with Lauren and learning a little big about them that they were going to be a wonderful couple to work with. I was right.

This couple has CHEMISTRY! If you cant see it in the photos then I failed them. From the very first shot they were rocking it! Nailing everything with very little instruction at all! And look how gorgeous they are together! (I am convinced they are actually models despite their denial of such.

When I see a couple look at each other the way that Ian and Lauren look at each other not only do they look like models but they look like something straight out of the movies. Though chances are I won’t be the one photographing the wedding, I was so SO honored to get to capture a few shots of this love story. I can’t wait to see how this happy ending turns out and hope that this is not the last time I get to have them in front of my camera to capture the sparks between them!

Ian & Lauren- you truly deserve the reward of the century!

#1 Driving a bazillion hours (Lauren)

#2 Rushing to try and beat the rain! (y’all ROCKED IT!)

#3 Enduring the rain that did show up at the end of the session and STILL being game to continue the shoot!

You can’t see me but I’m giving you a standing ovation! (ok I’m actually sitting down. But you deserve MORE than a standing ovation!!)

I pray that as you guys continue through your engagement to the wedding that you take time and enjoy this special period of your relationship. Even though you are miles and miles apart right now, it is obvious that your hearts are already intertwined together no matter the physical distance. I will continue to pray for you both that though the engagement may seem long and stressful at times that you will both keep in mind the bigger picture. The rest of your beautiful lives lies beyond these few months. It will be WORTH IT! As you start your future together with this special celebration I can’t WAIT to see where your journey goes and watch the love between you continue to grow!

Thanks SO much y’all for enduring this with such a fantastic attitude!
Hopefully you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed taking them!

March 12, 2022

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