Havelock Nature Trail | Gracie’s Birthday Session | Havelock NC

I could hardly WAIT for this session from booking until the day of! SUCH a fun and girly session yet full of the personality that defines Gracie as she hits DOUBLE DIGITS! I can’t believe it! 10 years ago I took this sweet girl’s NEWBORN photos. I have no idea how in the world 10 years has gone past in just a few blinks.

There is something so sweet about celebrating the monumental milestone in a child’s life (especially for girls) when they hit DOUBLE DIGITS. The odd thing has always been to me that for such a monumental age, there is everything and nothing monumental about this particular time in life. You’re not yet a teen, but you’re fast becoming just that and while you’re still very much a girl, you’re not a little girl anymore at all. I guess the best way to describe it is this always feels to me like the gray age. Like a fawn, who has started to look and act like an adult, but still carries the spots of her youth. While it is such a wonderful age to watch as a girl especially figures out who she really is and makes choices that will shape the future that lies before her and make her the woman that lies ahead, it is also a very uncertain time. Insecurities are at their peak, bodies are awkward, and it seems that everything truly is GRAY- not white, not black, not the woman’s section yet (or even the teen section) but outgrowing the children’s section. Emotions are beginning to develop and the desire to be considered a young lady is blossoming, but at the same time the desire to just run and play care free of any hint of restraint is still raging within.

Even amidst all the opportunities to feel awkward, there is such a beauty at this time of life that I really can’t put into words as hard as I may try. I truly TRULY feel that this session is a better representation of that feeling than I could have made it be if I tried. As I was going through the images (as you can see below) I would see an image that would make my mouth drop at how grown Gracie looks! with her radiant smile and shining eyes, then just a few shots later I see the girl side, with the fun glasses, the stuffed animals and the pink and sparkle of girlhood. Following close behind were the ones of Gracie sticking her tongue out or making a face, a reminder that while this sweet child looks absolutely the definition of a young lady in these images, be not fooled, with her sweet arrival nestled in line between one older brother and one younger, Gracie is one tough cookie. She DEFINITELY knows how to hold her own!

I truly TRULY can not wait to see what the next year, two years, five years, and 10 years holds for this little caterpillar. It won’t be long until she will be crawling into her cocoon and blossoming out as a beautiful butterfly, ready to conquer the world! Don’t look now Mom and Dad, but I think she may be starting to spin that cocoon already!

Gracie- You truly are something special. There is a quiet, bold, spunky strength about you (even though I KNOW you aren’t REALLY always quiet). I pray that as you continue to grow that you will truly get ahold of the plan God has for you. He has formed you and made you just the way you are for a plan and a purpose. A very important one that ONLY YOU can do.

When I think of you, I think of Deborah in the Bible. She may have been a woman at a time when women were not generally in places of leadership and I don’t know for sure, but I have always kind of thought she was probably a humble woman of few words who knew her place in society, but when God moved upon her, she became a fierce and righteous spiritual warrior and prophet declaring the word of the Lord. I pray that you will continue to allow God to shape you and make you the wonderful masterpiece He has already called you to be. Keep your chin up in confidence, your head bowed in prayer, your mind focused on the things that will help you along your journey with God, and your eyes open to always be able to discern the lies and the tricks that the devil has already lied in wait to try and keep you from becoming the fierce warrior for God that God intends you to be.

I love you so much! I can’t wait to continue to watch the beauty of YOU unfold and bloom.

February 5, 2022

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  1. Lydia Larry Hill says:

    Love the pictures beautiful beautiful my gosh she looks like her daddy and her cousin Jasmine. The picture with her mommy is awesome so sweet thanks for sharing your memories with us love you

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