Creekside Friends Session | Creekside Park | New Bern NC

We had such a fun (and energetic!) session with these three sweet families!

Last January I had the honor of doing a session at Creekside with Kyle & Erica and their sweet son. (Check it out here!) Now almost a year later we are back!! Plus 2 families with their own sweet boys!!

Military life is not without its cost. Front and foremost being the risk of losing your life, which does unfortunately happen to countless service members each year.

Military life however, comes with treasures as well. One of those being the people you get to meet, the bonds that are formed between you and other members, their families, and the community.

If you are not familiar with military life, there is no way I can efficiently explain to you the bond that is formed when men and women are displaced, sometimes with family, sometimes on their own, half a world away from family, and come together with others in the same situation. I am honestly sitting here trying to think of words to explain it and I can’t. If you are familiar with military life you know what I am trying to describe.

There may not be family blood flowing through the veins of these families portrayed below, but they are family all the same. These are representations of so many “families” world wide who have stood together, celebrated together, fought together, wept together, and so much more in the times when the support was most needed and their family members weren’t able to be beside them.

Though distance may one day separate them, the bond that these three families, and so many other have together, not just in the military or because of the military, but simply because life brought their hearts together. No distance or time can now tear those hearts apart.

Erica- Thank you so much for the honor and privilege of getting to spend the evening with y’all and capture the fun and love that you guys share. It truly was a blast and I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Everyone- I truly enjoyed the time with you. It was refreshing to see how close you all are and the love that runs deeper between you than even some families. I pray and hope that as life continues for each of you that you will continue to find love and encouragement in each other. That God would work through you not just for this group but that the sparkle you all share would catch and spread to others around you and that you would become a pillar or strength and courage to those walking beside and around you.

No matter the miles that may or may not separate you in the future, you will always have each other! The military may have brought you together but love will keep you all together!

December 4, 2021

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