I think we can all say that if not now, at one time or another we have all fallen prone to the weight of the hustle and bustle life throws at us. If we aren’t careful it can sneak up on us, overcome us and hold us down. We start losing sight of the things that are important to us, we get caught up in the rat race. It’s important from time to time to stop, take a deep breath and ask ourselves once again, what is my purpose? what is my goal? what are the important things in life and what is REALLY worth my time.
I think if we would all stop and ask ourselves these questions we would find that it’s not always the most important thing to us that takes priority when it comes to our time, energy, and focus.
As the saying goes, “The squeaky wheel gets the oil.” And unfortunately that tends to be true. We find ourselves giving our time and attention to the thing that most DEMANDS our time instead of the thing that most deserves our time.
In this crazy world we are living in and in the busy times we are experiencing, it was such a wonderful pleasure to get to take the evening to slow down and enjoy this quaint little downtown with Mike and Gina. Celebrating 5 years of marriage and holding onto little Mike, it’s SO so important to always remember to keep the most important thing the priority when it comes to everything in our lives. Its not always easy but it will always be worth it.
Mike & Gina- Thank you so SO much for allowing me the privilege of capturing a few precious moments (and some hilarious ones) from your life. I pray that as God continues to bless you, your family and your marriage that you will find time to stop and smell the roses, to savor the small things, to grow deeper in love with each other, and enjoy every moment as it passes (Even the crazy moments). May God’s peace and blessings overflow out of you and splash on everyone you meet. Love you guys! Can’t wait to see what God has in store for you and your beautiful family!

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