Martin Marietta Park | Luis + Heather Maternity Session

Goodness. I could just go on and on about the wonders and glories of God in each of the past sessions I have had the distinct honor of shooting recently. This one is absolutely no exception. To watch two beautiful lives go from walking independently, to watching a friendship and interest blossom into love, a marriage, and now the birth of a precious new life, there are few things that can compare!

I had the beautiful honor of watching this couple grow together, taking their engagement portraits, celebrating their joyous wedding day with them, and now, oooooh I can HARDLY contain my excitement for this new precious little boy they are about to welcome into their hearts, lives and home!

As seems to be the case with nearly every story, the road to where they are has not been without its bumps and bruises but God is faithful! When we honor Him in all that we have and all that we are, He is faithful to reward us for OUR faithfulness. Even if all that we have to offer seems little in our eyes, He is holding back the blessings of Heaven just WAITING anxiously to unload and watch them shower down upon us like the first beautiful white snow of winter.

I have truly enjoyed watching Luis and Heather be showered down on with the love, joy, and blessings of God. Not only that! I can’t WAIT to see what God has in store next! ( I mean of course beyond the obvious of this precious little one they will soon be able to hold in their arms) I am rooting for an avalanche!

Luis & Heather- I mean it when I say it has absolutely been an honor to watch so closely as you have together received blessing after blessing after blessing from God. I know not every day has been Sunshine and you have both been through storms enough in your days. But you have and, in all confidence, will continue to hold fast to the truth you know and trust God with all you have. He will carry you no matter what. When the wind feels too strong to bear. He is there. In the silent still of the night (Which will be your close friend in the coming days) learn to treasure every blessing. Not just the sweet moments of sleep, but also the peaceful still moments of awe when you get to spend undivided attention on your precious baby in the middle of the night. When exhaustion seems to never loosen its grip, hold tight, stay strong, and again, strain to enjoy EVERY moment. Rest assured that this too shall pass, the sleepless nights will once again hold a full night’s sleep, but with it’s passing will also pass those still sweet moments with those sweet tiny fingers that barely make their way around your own and those wide awake eyes staring up into your own tired ones in the dim light of midnight. Hold tight to those sleepless nights in awe and wonder instead of dread and frustration. This too shall pass.

I truly can not wait to celebrate the coming arrival with you both! You’re both going to do great! I can’t wait to stand back and watch the beauty of God continue to grow and unfold in each of you!

September 21, 2021

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