What a truly amazing and special thing marriage is. I think most people when asked to quote their wedding vowels would at the very least be able to quote “till death do us part” maybe even “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.” Sadly enough, in the world we are living in, those words are often disregarded and forgotten as if they were never voweled. Marriage has become a thing of emotion instead of commitment, convenience instead of endurance, ease instead of growth. And what has happened to the love? It has become selfish and self-focused in many cases. When we don’t feel as if we are benefitting from the marriage anymore, it is more popular to bail out and find someone else to feed our desire for love than to put more blood sweat and tears into our relationship.
I can guarantee that this couple before you has had their tough times, their rough days, and even their opportunities to bail out, but spend 5 minutes with them and you can tell they made up their mind long ago that it was more worth it to just keep holding on to each other and grow together as one on their knees before God than to throw in the towel and give up. There is a love in their eyes when they look at each other that burns brighter than that of many engaged and newlyweds that I have seen and worked with. A love that goes deeper than convenience and infatuation, a love that reaches the depths of a persons being.
It is looking at couples like this one that continues to encourage me to not only keep going and keep investing into my own marriage (even when the day is long and harsh words come easier that sweet ones) but to strive to be one of those couples for those who are “behind us” on the timeline of marriage as well.
When times are tough, get closer to one another and work together. When you want to fight, hug instead. Always remember you’re on the SAME TEAM. Fight for the right things, but always fight TOGETHER with each other and with GOD. Never go to bed angry. Take a deep breath and think about your words before you open your mouth and let them out. If you call them the love of your life, love them for all of your life, even when you don’t feel love in return. Live 1 Corinthians 13 EVERY DAY.
Love is Patient. (Period.)
Love is Kind. (No matter what)
Love does not envy (It appreciates what it has been blessed with)
Love is not puffed up (but always willing to be humble and willing to say sorry)
Love is not easily provoked (Take a deep breath)
Love endureth ALL THINGS (Period.)
TRUE Love Never fails.
OP & Connie- Thank you for being an inspiration to those of us who are “just starting out” (at least compared to you) that if you guys can do it we can too. I pray that God continues to bless your marriage and keep the newlywed spark fueling the seasoned fire between you. May you have more than twice as many good years of marriage before you as behind you! Thank you for just being you guys.

leave some love: