There is something to be said for determination. The human mind is such an incredible thing, as is the human body. When I think of things such as world records and speed records and even records of things that take deep cognitive engineering to create and do, it always amazes me that Man has not yet come to its full potential. Decades ago the fastest adults in the world never would have dreamed that today High School students would be breaking the records they were setting back then. History proves that with determination a person can pretty much accomplish anything they set their mind to do. On the other hand, there are some people who are blessed to be able to pick things up at the snap of a finger with little to no effort needed. Things come easy to them. Whether through determination or ease, I know not. But what I do know is that the young man featured in these portraits has a brain that puts my mind to shame! Joey has always been one of those kids who even at 6 made me scratch my head with the amount of information he was able to store in his! It was incredible. There is never a dull moment when Joey is around.
Joey, first of all I’m sorry but I couldn’t bring myself to put anything other than “Joey” for your name. You’re Joey. You’ve always been Joey. And at least in my book you always will be Joey. It has been a joy having the privilege of watching you grow up. You have been incredibly gifted by God. I hope and pray that you continue to use that incredible machine of a brain He has given to make the world and the kingdom of God a better place. You’re different, and thats ok. Different is good. Normal can be boring. Keep being the man God has created you to be and there is absolutely NO LIMIT to how far God will take you in this life. He has plans for you. That is for sure. So proud of you! Keep working hard and keep your head in the right game. YOU GOT THIS!!!

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