When you think of the perfect wedding, what comes to mind?
I guess for most people this could go two different ways.
What people see, and what people feel.
If you ask me, this day spent celebrating with Davis & Ashley as they begin their beautiful adventure together was simply perfect.
As so many have been, the original celebration was delayed due to covid, but that didn’t keep this small simple wedding from being absolutely beautiful from start to finish.
From the moment I walked in the house there was a calm peaceful excitement and joy in the atmosphere. Many times with weddings (mine included) we get too focused on the timeline versus enjoying the day. Letting things flow and just celebrating every moment instead of treating every moment as a highway to a more important moment.
I was a little worried at first that if we got behind I wouldn’t be able to deliver everything I wanted to deliver to this sweet sweet couple. But then I had to ask myself which is really important? The pictures of the memories? or the memories them selves? The verdict? The Memories themselves. If there were one thing I would change about my wedding day it would be to rearrange a few things so I could have had more time with the beautiful ladies that I chose to stand beside me that day. But I really don’t think that will be a regret in this case. It was absolutely beautiful to watch the interaction, the laughing, even the nerves as the day unfolded.
And wouldn’t you know, in the end, a timeline means nothing.
It’s the fact that two people came to the celebration as best friends, and left as one, joined together in the sight of God and their sweet friends and family. THAT is what really matters.
Davis & Ashley-
I truly can not thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to become part of the family for this beautiful and joyous celebration. I left feeling like I could spend any evening sitting around the campfire laughing and enjoying stories with all of you. I was truly enriched and refreshed by the joy and energy and complete lack of drama and discord between each of you. I didn’t want our time together to be over! It was beautiful. You both have absolutely beautiful families. As you grow closer as husband and wife don’t forget to treasure them as well. Cling to them as you cling to each other. Enjoy them. Love them.
I know this hasn’t been a year without tears and struggles and there will be more bumps in the road to be sure, but I pray that as you start this new chapter in your life that you will start refreshed, excited, and at peace with this new adventure you are embarking on. May you grow together even deeper and may you lift each other up and strengthen and encourage each other every day as one together forever.
Love you both and thank you again for welcoming me to be part of your precious day.

Jaycee Park – Morehead City
Off The Hook
Shindigs and Soirees by Cindy
MAD Music with Dusty Rhodes and Mark Young
SugarLoaf Island Bakery
leave some love: