Lawson Creek Park | New Bern Family Session | Abraham & Renee and Family

I have had the opportunity and honor to capture a number of fantastic and wonderful events in my time as a photographer. I have been there to hear the first cry of babies and capture their very first screams as they enter this world we live in.

I have unfortunately had the honor of being one of the last to capture photos of precious loved ones before they breath their last breaths.

I have celebrated with couples as they take their vows to each other and go from having two separate lives to becoming one flesh together.

I have captured Children’s Milestones, birthdays, families, friends, opponents on teams, and almost everything in between.

But this past weekend I had the honor and pleasure of capturing something new for me.

I had the honor of capturing a wonderful family full of love who has not been all together in 1 place for 41 years.

:: deep breath :: Let that sink in for a moment ::

I could, of course, go into details of why and how and the history and blah blah blah, but instead I want to focus on something else.

Their love for each other.

Had I not KNOWN the situation and their story, I never would have guessed that this family had been out of contact and separated by miles for a week! let alone 41 years.

The Love, the care, the banter, the laughter, it was more abundant than many families I have photographed in the past.

The atmosphere was completely void of any hesitation in the complete bearing of their hearts for one another and to one another. It was as if they had never missed a day of each others lives.

It was truly a breathtaking experience and an honor higher than I can put into words to get to take these wonderful photos for this absolutely wonderful family.

Renee (and family)- Thank you SO MUCH for inviting and allowing us to be with you all and capture these sweet moments with you all as a family. It was such a touching blessing to US to be able to see the love, care, and affection you all have for each other. I am so glad we got to be a small part of this miracle God has unraveled over the last year. I pray that as you all get reacquainted that the love and healing flows out of your love for one another and washes and refreshes every one around you. Thank you for allowing us to be part of YOUR family for the evening! It was truly wonderful!!

November 15, 2021

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