Such a sweet and fun session with these kids and their mama! There is so much love between everyone in this family. It was wonderful to watch!
There is one word that comes to mind with this family.
A misunderstanding of military families is that the service member serves.
They do of course, but in many ways their spouse and children serve must as much or more than the military member does. I know that may sound controversial, but only the actual service member signed up for the role as marine, soldier, sailor etc. The rest are signed up by association, marrying the love of their life and joining the service behind the lines. Children, born into the family, learning their part in service as they learn to walk and talk.
So why Champion? having worked on Cherry Point for 11 years, I have spent that time surrounded by Military families and their stories. It’s hard. there is no if ands or buts about it. Marriage in itself comes with challenges, but add to that that when you are married to a Marine, Soldier or Service Member, you are the second spouse, they truly belong to the military and the military always comes first.
The military life is not always a healthy life for relationships. I have seen love ripped apart, families broken, stress, pressure and devastation. I have also had the privilege of serving and knowing families such as this one. Champions.
When the tough times come knocking, they bind together and stand strong.
Through the times apart, they love over the miles.
When others give up and walk away, they fight for love and each other. For the betterment of the family, for the betterment and support of the country their husband and father is serving for OUR freedom as well as the freedom of others.
Yes, they have overcome, they have weathered storms, not always fun, not always easy, but just as the sun lights their hair in the wind in these photos, there is always a silver lining, the thing is we just have to know which way we are heading and what we are really fighting for.
Family is a team, fight with family for the common goal of being Champion of all that comes to meet you.
Don’t fight against family. It never turns out good. Even when disagreements come, agree that everyone is still after the main focus, the benefit of Love and Family.
Jenny- it was an absolute JOY getting to meet you and your beautiful children. You all truly are Champions in my book. I know the journey is not over yet. I know it comes with a lot of baggage and tireless, thankless days but y’all are true heros along with your brave Husband. I pray that as this journey continues you all will continue to grow closer and love each other deeper and spread that love and inspiration and encouragement with other families around you. Those younger and just starting, those ready to throw in the towel, and those who have walked beside you who have been caught in an unexpected battle. I pray that you will be an inspiration and hero to them as you have been to me.
Can’t wait to serve you again soon! It was a true honor and I hope you enjoy the images!

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