Such a sweet and fun session with these special friends! I still remember the day I found out Erica was expecting EMMETT! Her face was already absolutely radiant. She couldn’t hide it if her life depended on it! I can not WAIT for this sweet baby boy to arrive as well!!
Families to me are so very special. It takes vulnerability and sacrifice above all else to become one with another person, share every part of yourself and your life, and then bring little combinations of both of you into the world. It can be scary, every step of the way. But if you truly abandon yourself to your husband or wife, allow them into even the most private parts of your heart, the reward is so great that few things can compare the the joy and love your marriage will share.
Fast forward to adding little lively sparkles of life to your life and two becomes a family. Somehow we are quicker to offer up our vulnerable selves to these little joys we call children. In reality, however, they have the potential to hurt us just as much as anyone, even more actually. But somehow we find ourselves willing to invest everything we are and everything we have into making them the best little ones they can be.
And its worth it.
Money and riches can not compare to having a little one come and wrap their arms around your neck and abandon them selves in showing their love to you.
I offer this challenge to all who are reading this:
Be vulnerable.
Love unashamed
Don’t be afraid of the risk of getting hurt. you will sometimes, but its worth it.
Trust where trust is due.
Love God. Love yourself. Love your spouse. Love your kids. Love your friends. Love your family. Love the stranger on the street. Love. Just LOVE.
Un expecting of anything in return.
Un desirous of self gain.
Un guarded.
…and just see what happens…
Kyle & Erica – It is ALWAYS such a pleasure to work with y’all!! You have such a sweet and beautiful family! and I am tickled pick and full of anticipation to welcome this next little blessing into your lives!
I can’t wait!
In the mean time I pray that you as a family would not just grow in size but in love. Treasuring every moment you have together. Growing closer. Working together towards your dream as a couple and as a family. God has something special in mind for you. I have been convinced of that since the day I first met you! I can’t wait to see His plan pan out in your life!
Love you guys!

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