I had the ABSOLUTE pleasure of meeting the wonderful parents of 2 clients I have had the honor of serving in the past few months and I can not express how much of a treat it truly was!! This session celebrated 37 years of marriage! WOW! How awesome is that!?
I am always encouraged when I meet couple and especially when I get to help them celebrate an anniversary milestone. I know in my almost 5 years of marriage we have had hurdles and struggles and when I get to see other couples that I KNOW have had their own challenges to conquer it is even that much more encouraging for me that not only can we SURVIVE many more years of marriage but that we can continue to grow together as a couple. We can continue to learn more about each other, and though some days, weeks, months, and years may be tougher than others, that truly each day, week, month, and year can be better than the last one because each one marks and monuments another day together growing closer.
I thank God every day for the blessing of a husband he has put in my life. Neither of us are perfect, but I could not have asked for a better man to be in my life than the one that God designed especially for me. Watching Allan and Cyndi and learning a little about them was such a treat. Watching them even though there is always a level of being uncomfortable in front of the camera, there was not uncomfortable aspect between them. The love that connected them (and made them laugh) when they were looking into each others eyes, or holding hands or each other, was inspiring to me having just started my marriage compared to the two of them.
I truly thank God for allowing me to meet both of them and be inspired my their marriage.
Allan & Cyndi – Even though I know I had you out of your comfort zone a little, ya’ll were CHAMPS at putting up will all my prompts and prodding. I absolutely LOVED going through these and working on your gallery. It is SO apparent just looking at the look in your eyes that there is a special love there that runs deep and strong. Having had the pleasure of meeting both of your daughters and seeing the love that shines out of them, it is now very VERY apparent where they get it from.
I pray that as you both continue to celebrate not just 37 years of Marriage but many more years to come! And that the love you have for each other will continue to be an example to your children, and their children, and their children, for generation upon generation to come. That not only would your love shine and be passed down, but also your determination to stick together and conquer whatever obstacle is before you, even when I am sure some days it would be easier to quit.
I pray that God continues to use you and your family to encourage and strengthen those around you just as you have inspired and strengthened me with this sweet anniversary session!

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