This family is absolutely fantastic. I won’t tell you how far they come for these sessions, but each and every time is an absolute treat! They are sweeter than you can imagine!
This time of course was no exception! They are always just so happy to be there and so much FUN to shoot!!
There is something so sweet about not just getting to photograph a family but to see an EXTENDED family interact, love on each other, have fun, laugh, and SMILE!
Though we did have one in the group who wasn’t too keen on smiling at first (I bet you can’t guess! 🙂 by the end, it was more than apparent that everyone was not only happy to be there, but just happy to be TOGETHER.
With so much happening around us, and a few unexpected hiccups coming up in the last year, it would be easy for this family, and any of us really, to be so stuck on the things that have gone WRONG that we cant make the smile on our lips reach our eyes. But despite the hurdles, that was NOT the case here as it shouldn’t be!
We truly have so much to be thankful for. I know we all go through moments of dark clouds, but the most important thing we can do is just keep watching for the sun. because even when we can’t see it, even when the clouds are above us, the sun is still shining. We just have to take the clouds for what they are and hope and pray for the sun to come again. It will. Because no matter what is going on, “it came to pass” it didn’t come to stay. Keep your head up, keep your eyes up. Keep your heart set in the only one who can give us TRUE PEACE- Jesus Christ, and keep holding on.
This too shall pass.
Count your blessings. Even when the clouds are out in life, we still have more to be thankful for than we do to complain. It’s just how hard we look and what we choose to see.
I am SO so thankful that I have been blessed and surrounded with such wonderful friends, family, and clients to constantly remind me how wonderful life is and keep my head above the clouds where the sun is shining.
Jessie (& Jorge) – Thank you so much once again for dragging your kids all this way to let me torture y’all again. It is always a pleasure to see your smiles and hear your laughter. I pray that as you all walk through the changes that have been placed before you you would do so confidently and peacefully, trusting God to take you and bring you where HE wants you to be even when we can’t see where we are going. Keep your eyes and heart focused on Him and He won’t let you down.

leave some love: