When you think back to your high school years, what do you think of?
So many things come to mind for me, and of course one of them is prom! To be honest, besides my wedding day, my Prom was probably the one time in my life that I have felt most like a beautiful princess.
I seriously hope that not only was this a fun time of celebration for these young kids (quickly turning to adults) but I hope they felt as beautiful inside and out as what they look!
Highschool can be a mix of all kinds of things, stress, hope, anticipation, love, joy, accomplishment, disappointment, hurt, but most of all it is that in between time when most kids get ready to become adults and start making their own decisions about life.
If I could tell every high school student in the history of forever, one thing, It would be to be yourself, not the person you THINK everyone wants you to be, and not even the person YOU think you want to be. But YOU. the TRUE you. because sooner or later that person is going to come out anyways. And take if from someone who knows. It’s a lot better to just be YOU and surround yourself with people who love the REAL you, than to be who people want you to be, surround yourself with people who like THAT person and go home every time knowing they like someone who isn’t the real you.
Abree (and friends of course) – Be YOU. because YOU are BEAUTIFUL!! (yes even you gentlemen) Be the person your family loves, the one your true friends love, be YOU. Don’t waste your time trying to be someone you’re not for a bunch of people that may or may not be part of your life in 10 years. I know it feels right now that of COURSE you are ALL going to stay “friends4eva” but the truth is, life happens. People go places, move, and make new friends. Pray about upcoming decisions and make your decisions based on what is best for YOU (the real you) and enjoy those decisions, even if your friends don’t agree. Sometimes being the only fish swimming the other way is a good thing.
I truly hope and pray that each of you finds the path God wants for you and hold close to who you truly are. That you grow, and blossom, and flourish wherever you decide to put down roots and whatever choices you make from here on out.
It was such a treat getting to work with each of you and your families! I hope it’s not the last time!

leave some love: