Hammock Beach Engagement Session | Jon & Jasmine

It was SUCH a joy to get to meet this sweet couple! I can’t really express how fun this session was! When a couple has this much love and chemistry EXPLODING between them…the session makes itself! They were absolutely fantastic to shoot and spend the evening with!

As perfect and in love as this sweet couple is the road that lies ahead will be one of those that is not easy but is worth it if you just keep going. When their sweet friend contacted me about setting up this session for them I was overjoyed! Not just because I love what I do and get excited for ever session but also because she mentioned that a deployment was up and coming. My heart broke a little knowing that but leapt at the chance to give this couple something special before they have to spend time away from each other serving our country.

This post feels a little different than some others but I am going to recommend that anyone reading this also read the last post I posted for James & Rikka. I feel like John & Jasmine, you are starting the journey that James and Rikka started 20 years ago. That being said, I want to encourage you. Every journey is different just like each of us are different. Even two people walking the same path side by side have different “journeys” because they are different people.

The challenge in life, especially today, is what you do with the roadblocks and challenges and fallen trees that are in our path ahead of us. The world today says “It’s hard, give up and start a new path” but truth be told NO path that you “choose” is going to be easy. No path is going to be without obstacles, tough times, challenges and hurts. But the path that you are on right now, the path that you have already chosen with each other as husband and wife WILL get easier the more challenges you overcome together by working together and taking the challenges head on until you make it through it. If you throw in the towel to start another path just because it looks easier, it may be easier for a while but its a whole new path with surroundings and terrain you’re not used to. Stick together and you can overcome ANYTHING even when half a world and thousands of miles separate you.

You guys can do this!! There is NO Challenge that you can not overcome with each other, prayer, and Gods help. I truly hope that in 20 years we can get together and do a 20 year anniversary for YOU guys!! that would be SO much fun and an absolutely amazing treat!

Jon & Jasmine- Thank you SO much for putting up with all our crazy requests and having patience with the sunset! I hope it was be worth it!! You guys were FABULOUS!! We will be praying for you both as you start this exciting new adventure together called marriage and also as you conquer this deployment season of your lives. I pray that as you are apart, no matter where your journey takes you that these photos will stand as a reminder that no matter how far away, there is someone waiting for you with a heart that flutters and beats with deep explosive love for you. That you will remember how it felt to hold each other, snuggle close to your husband or wife, and look deeply into each others eyes.

November 21, 2021

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