Creekside Park | New Bern NC| Anniversary Family Session | James & Rikka

Couples like this absolutely INSPIRE me to be better. A better wife, a better mom, a better friend, and a better christian. Every life has bumps and turns and unexpected road blocks. It’s not IF you encounter these that makes your life good or bad, successful or unsuccessful, happy or sad, easy or hard. What determines these things is how you respond to those bumps, turns, and road blocks or bad weather. What determines these things is how you respond to what life brings you.

I would be willing to say NO ONE has had what they would consider the perfect life. Even what the majority would consider the easy life comes with its challenges and struggles. If you look up the statistics on those who struggle with depression, drugs and even suicide, you may be surprised to find how many are NOT in what we would consider the “tough” category financially. But there is more to life than money. MUCH more.

Some of the happiest people you will meet live in huts made out of natural means in the middle of no where in third world countries. Why? because they have a secret. Do you really want to know? They make the most of what they have. They take life’s challenges head on by the horns, fix what they can, do as much as they can, and accept what they are unable to do, then they move on to the next adventure in life.

This couple you see here? They have found that secret. How do I know? There is no possible way that two people can become one and live with each other day in and day out for 20 years, facing the struggles of life, plus the challenges of being a military family, without living that secret.

Not only at home, but this secret has to carry into every part of your life if you plan to live life to the fullest.

I could go on but there is really nothing more I can say that will do justice to what I feel about this session other than WOW. Not because of the great location. Not because of the beautiful fall leaves, Not because of the awesome photographer (Definitely not that one) But what makes this session a WOW session is the love and the story, told and untold, that is woven beautifully into the fabric of this family’s life together.

20 YEARS!!! Can you believe it?! from what I have heard and understand…It just gets better with time.

If anything ANYTHING inspires me to constantly pray for my family and my marriage, to invest in my loved ones and the relationship I have with my wonderful Husband, it is families and couples like this. I can’t imagine the road they have traveled and the mountains they have overcome, but day by day, I hope to walk in that secret and enjoy what God has so graciously and undeservingly blessed me with. I pray that I can climb every step of every mountain with a heart full of love, hope, peace, and perseverance. And I pray that the words “I quit” and “I give up” will never be part of my vocabulary.

James & Rikka- You both truly do inspire me. Not only do you have a beautiful family but you both are wonderful people. I truly cant even BEGIN to do justice to how kind hearted, giving, sacrificial, and of course fun-loving you both are. It truly was an absolute honor to have the privilege of getting to spend the evening with your family and joke and laugh with all of you. You guys are awesome! I pray that as you continue past the 20 year mark that God would bless you as a couple and you all as a family with more love than you ever could have imagined, more blessings that you ever dreamed of, faithfulness that is unparalleled to each other and your deep strong relationships with God, and wisdom and guidance to help and carry others down the road to a successful life. Not by the world’s standards and popular opinion, but by Gods, a life full of joy and peace, fulfillment and blessings for you and those you share your hearts with.

Thank you again! and I hope this won’t be the last time we get to do a session together!

November 20, 2021

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  1. James Petty says:

    Sis Charity, thank you so much for making this so easy on our family. You brought fun, sincerity, and skill to the session. You really made this shoot more special for us. It’s great to see how much you genuinely enjoy being a part of the lives in those you capture with your camera. You are awesome!

    • Charity Quinonez says:

      Thank you so much! That truly means a lot to me. It was an absolute honor and privilege, not to mention a blast getting to spend the evening with your family. That is precisely why I love doing what I do!

  2. James I Petty says:

    My Sister,
    I’m at a loss for words. As I thought I was already touched by how great the photos looked, it was your narrative that brought tears to my eyes. In additional the enjoyment we had, the skill, and professionalism, it’s the Spirit within you that has touched me. It summarizes what He has done in our lives. You told His story, as it doesn’t belong to me us.
    Please know that I’m standing, defying all medical odds, NOT dying, and still with my family because of Saints like you. Doctors have really begun to rule out which was my certain death and are moving on, taking note of a real miracle. I just want His story told that it might draw and encourage those to be closer to Him. Thank you for capturing His incredible story for us, so we can reflect, be thankful, continue to strive, and share. You’re the best!
    Forever Grateful,
    Bro. James Petty

    • Charity Quinonez says:

      I’m at a loss for words. I always pray that God will work through me and my words will be used for life and encouragement. Thank you for sharing. It truly does make all the difference to know all that you wrote. Thank you so much.

  3. […] others but I am going to recommend that anyone reading this also read the last post I posted for James & Rikka. I feel like John & Jasmine, you are starting the journey that James and Rikka started 20 years […]

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