Swansboro Family Session | Erik & Suleyka | Hammock Beach Park | Waterfront

First of all I want to give a shout out to this wonderful family for being so awesome and FLEXIBLE with the session. We had a little set back but were able to switch locations and they were SO fantastic!!

And just for kicks and giggles I want to share how long in coming this session has been! To be honest I really can’t remember how many years but I’m thinking at least 5 years ago we discussed this session and Suleyka bought a gift certificate at a silent auction. Long story short… The Certificate was bought, winter hit, deployment happened, life happened, I got married, had a kid, Covid hit, another kid, Suleyka and her family moved across country, then they moved BACK across country, add 7 months and we were FINALLY able to get this session together!! But it was worth the wait! (At least for me) to get to spend time with these sweet girls and their parents for a short amount of time. I only hope it wasn’t TOO torturous for them (or Bandit).

Suleyka- Thank you so much for your patience and perseverance with making this session happen! It is always a joy to see your smiling face and get to see your beautiful family. It was even more of a joy to get to watch all the love bubble between you all and capture a few sweet moments through my lens. I pray that God would continue to have His hand of Mercy and Blessing on your beautiful family as you grown and follow the footsteps He has for you. I truly can’t wait to see what He has planned for you and to celebrate with you as His Joy continues to flow through you and develop in each of your lives and the lives of your beautiful girls. Love you guys!

October 12, 2021

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