Not all roads are paved with ease some have pot holes and fallen trees so we find it easier to jump off and make our own way. Others are seemingly paved with ease, but we still choose somehow to try and make our own way through the brush with choices we make.
No one knew exactly what to expect when Gideon, the best man, stepped to the mic to give his speech. As the best man, he came prepared. Naturally commanding the attention of everyone under the cozy white tent as a breeze of near fall coolness drifted through.
His easy humor had everyone laughing as he poked jabs at Levi about who had the better beard and other common brother cliches. Then he took us all for a rollercoaster ride. “I always looked up to Levi growing up. I wanted to be like him” he started in, but then due to choices, Gideon wisely came to the realization one day that he no longer could find a role model in Levi. After a moment of static silence from the guests in attendance, Gid shared a snapshot of how it felt to watch Levi walk the road he chose to forge for himself through the dessert of life.
Then something happened, He began to see life blossom again in the eyes of Levi as he turned and made his way back to the road of assurance. About this time Levi met someone else, a beautiful flower, crushed and wilted along the way by passersby and choices she too had made in her tiresome walk through the thorns of life.
Then something wonderful happened. They no longer walked alone but encouraged each other, changed their path, found their way back to a life of joy, love, forgiveness, hope, and God.
They became each other’s strength and accountability, they rewrote the pages of time that life had seemingly sketched out for their future and changed their destiny together.
Gideon concluded his emotional speech with proudly assuring each person seated before him that he was once again able to look up to Levi and say he wanted to be like him someday (Other than his beard which of course failed in comparison to Gideon’s own fantastic finesse)
If there was a person in that place that was not moved by the well expressed speech, I didn’t see them.
Getting back to the main road is sometimes harder than the difficulty of the path we forged ourself. Sometimes it seems not worth it to even try to get back. Sometimes we can’t see the road at all. But if we can just head in that direction. If we can just make it back. If we can just put our minds to it and keep pressing towards the road we know is paved with grace, forgiveness, and life, the reward is unexplainable and unbelievable.
It was such an honor to be able to stand there and celebrate with these two wonderful people as they continue to walk down the road of life forming and allowing God to form them into what He has planned on the walk before them. I truly can not wait to see what the future holds for this precious family.
Levi & Tara- Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to be part of such a sweet celebration. I hope and pray that you will continue to enjoy life with each other and grow closer and stronger through your relationship with God and each other. It gets better from here! Every day love a little bit more, even when it doesn’t feel like you could ever love them more than you already do. Put each other first in ALL things. If you both find ways to do this there is no way you can fail. Be creative is showing your love for each other but never forget the power of 5 steadfast words. “I’m sorry” and “I love you”
I truly can NOT wait to see how God uses each and every day of your new adventure together to continue to grow and blossom inside of you and out of you to everyone around you.
I love you both! You got this!

[…] a wedding AND one of 3 new babies arriving in our extended family before the end of the year! (Click HERE for the Wedding) (and HERE for the Maternity […]