When you think back to your golden middle school and high school years what is the first thing that comes to mind?
The work? All the knowledge you gained? Fabulous teachers? The smell of the locker room? All of these things may come to mind but they aren’t what comes to mind first for me.
I can’t speak for you, but my memories take me back to rolling on the floor laughing at a lightbulb (Don’t ask. I really don’t have an answer) Sleepovers with chick flick movie marathons. Hanging out in the halls. Going for pizza. Even dealing with drama. But you know what each of these things have in common? They were all done WITH FRIENDS. What would our years be like without those we were close to? Whether you had just one pal that you were inseparable from or whether you had a whole host of people you called friends, friends were a huge part of if not THE core of all of my fondest memories and moments in school.
Those relationships not only filled out time but they also shaped us into the people we are today.
A week ago I had the absolute privilege and I mean PRIVILEGE of taking portraits for these 3 ladies and their families. They have a truly remarkable story. They don’t live too close to each other not even in the same state, but they have all three stayed friends since the 8th grade!! How awesome is that! It warmed my heart not just to see how they all interacted and talked about the past and memories during the session but to see how they laughed and it filled not just their eyes with joy but the whole atmosphere and the air between us was electrified with nostalgic joy. I wasn’t standing there with ladies who were about to turn mmhmm years old this year. I was standing there capturing girls getting ready for prom, girls giggling quietly in the bedroom hoping their parents didn’t hear them and scold them for being too loud. The girls in front of my camera were of course mothers and wives, but they were far more than that, even more than friends, they were sisters.
Having the honor to spend this little bit of time with them reminded me of my own memories, my own friendships that I have been blessed enough to enjoy over the years and it reminded me just how blessed we are to have friends and soul sisters (or brothers) for as long as God puts them in our lives
Ladies- I truly can not thank you enough for the privilege of getting to be a fly on the wall for a few moments of your special week together. I hope that as time goes on God only strengthens each of you and helps you each to grow stronger thanks to the love and support of each other. I have such respect for you all for allowing life to take you where it may, through the ups and downs, but not letting go of the precious relationships that helped form you into who you are today. I know y’all are from other places but I truly hope this won’t be the last time I get to come work with you snd your fantastic families!

leave some love: