First just let me start by saying people like this are why I LOVE being a photographer. It is one thing to take pictures for someone who you have knows for ever, it is another to feel like you have known someone forever because of having the honor of working with their family on photo sessions.
This is one of those families.
I had the honor of doing a Mommy & Me Mini Session with Bernadette and the kiddos for mothers day this year and absolutely fell in love with every one of them! They are so much fun to interact with and play with and just a joy to even sit back and watch with each other.
Not only that but we could make an entire album on the great facial expressions! It truly was an absolute JOY getting to shoot and edit these precious portraits.
Bernadette- Thank you SO much once again for entrusting me to capture such a precious sparkle in time for you and your family! I wouldn’t trade this friendship we have started for the world! I can NOT wait to watch as your beautiful children each continue to grow and blossom into what God has planned for them! Though they are each so incredibly different they are also so incredibly special and beautiful in their own way! It is quite apparent that both you and your husband are doing a wonderful job at loving, nurturing, and guiding them on this crazy path called life. I continue to pray that God strengthens and guides you on your journey and adventure together as a family.

leave some love: