It starts with tears, a wave good bye, ABCs, and 123s. Then before you know it, you’re in tears again trying to figure out Calculus and remembering the rules of APA format. Then you blink and it’s done. That little baby you were rocking to sleep is now rocking their music a little too loud as they pull in the drive way and jump out of the car. The car THEY drove home from school… on their own… without adult supervision. I mean technically there WAS adult supervision because in the state of North Carolina (and every other state in the US as a matter of fact) THEY are considered an adult. Wait. WHAT?!
When did this happen!! You just brought them home for the first time YESTERDAY! Now look at them standing there in their cap and gown. They did it. YOU DID IT! This is the day both of you have dreamed of all their life. The real world awaits. But for now, let’s just enjoy THIS moment. because in another blink of an eye, it too will be gone and the next big adventure will be at hand!
It was so much fun getting to have that fun time with Lawrence and his mom. I have had the honor of doing family pictures with their family before and I just LOVE the way they interact with each other. It is obvious that the love, hardwork, and dedication of this awesome Mama has paid off. (Way to go Kellie!) And of COURSE way to go Lawrence! In the words and wisdom of Dr Seuss:
Today is your day
You’re off to great places
You’re off and away
You’ve got brains in your head
You’ve got feed in your shoes
you can steer yourself any
Direction you choose
You’re on your own
And you know what you now
And you are the guy
who’ll decide where you go
Out therethings can happen
And Frequently do
To people as brainy
And footsy and you
and will you succeed?
yes you will indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)
You’re off to great places
Today is your day
Your mountain is waiting
Go, get on your way!”
Lawrence: You have so much behind you and so much more before you. No one can decide where the rest of your life will take you but YOU and God. (No Pressure) But just like you took school, (and how they say to eat an elephant) just take life one day (or one bite) at a time.
Make the best decision you can make right NOW, and in 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 weeks, months and years, make the best decision you can make then too. YOU CAN DO IT!! I’m so honored I have gotten to watch you grow up in short glimpses over the years. I can’t wait to see the adventure that God has in store for you! WOOHOO!
Now GO make your mark on the world!

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