I am so highly privileged to be surrounded by sweet people in my life. One of the sweetest is this lady right here. Even when things are tough there’s always a smile on her face and when she could say a number of things there is always something positive and encouraging coming out of her mouth. Not to mention she has the sweetest most beautiful girls ever. Can you tell I love this family?! I do. Not only that I am SO thankful that they allowed me to torture them with this session!
::Shameless Plug:: This session took WAY longer than most minis because it is out MOCK session for NEXT year’s Mommy & Me Mini Sessions!! WOOHOO!!! I am so excited! So mark your calendars for next year! because these sessions will go FAST. Due to the limited bloom time, we will not be able to do as many sessions or have the flexibility to spread them out. But it will be WORTH it!!! I can’t WAIT. ::End Shameless Plug::
Back to the session! The girls (and Suleyka) were SUCH champs and I am so excited that I got to spend this sweet time with them.
Suleyka I wish you only the best. I have been honored to get to watch these girls grow since before there were 2 of them and I can’t wait to see what God has in store as they continue to grow and develop into beautiful young ladies. I am so happy to have your entire family be part of my life.

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