There are few things (in my opinion) more miraculous than how God can take two precious people and create a family of three. This again is a precious wonderful couple that I have had the pleasure of watching over the years grow and change and now become a beautiful family! I love watching women of all ages, shapes and sizes suddenly blossom and grow new life inside of them. It never gets old to watch and is always such a true honor to capture this sweet and temporary stage of their life. A stage filled with joy and anticipation and excitement and even a bit of nervousness (no matter how many times you have been through it before) A baby changes your life that is for sure. But it changes your life in such a sweet way that even the sleepless nights and all the diapers and laundry and crying are worth it when you get to hold that bundle of joy that God has chosen to entrust you with and you realize you ACTUALLY get to keep them and love them and snuggle them and someday watch them grow and love you in return. I truly can not wait to meet baby Silas! And although I am 245% sure mom will be taking millions of gorgeous pictures on her own, I hope once someday I get the honor to once again capture a precious few moments in this sweet family’s life.

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