I don’t know of anything more precious and amazing than the tiny perfection of a newborn. After two of my own and countless experiences with others, it still never gets old just watching them. Whether the tiny squeak of a dime sized yawn, the stretch of a tight closed fist, the heart gripping scrunch of their face as they cry out in the never ending hunger, or just the simple peaceful stillness as they lie motionless sleeping, it all just captivates your heart. That is how I felt during this shoot. Most newborns sleep through the majority of their life at 2.5 weeks old but something must just be too exciting for little Ezekiel. He watched every move I made and moved almost non stop from the time I started shooting. He was so precious! If it weren’t for making Mama and Abuelita wait I could have and WOULD have kept shooting his every little move for hours and hours on end. I am so honored and privileged to have gotten the chance to capture such a precious time in this little ones life for just a few moments.

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