I love being a photographer. I have been attached to a camera since long before high school. (ask my mom- she paid for the film before I bought my first digital) I love meeting new people and getting to know them, but I also love getting to take pictures of people that I have known my whole life. This is one of those shoots getting to snap a few quick shots for my cousin and her family and precious PRECIOUS son. It was also quite the whirlwind session! You would be surprised how adaptable you can be when you have to- especially an 8 hour road trip turned 11 hours, waning light, sub 0 temperature (ok no not really but it felt like it), a restaurant landscape (yup) and did I mention FREEZING cold wind? But WAY TO GO! We made it happen! Jeff, Danielle, and little Jack were CHAMPS!! (as was my hubby for keeping my little stir-crazies in the restaurant while we did our thing) Such a sweet and wonderful family. I enjoyed every minute of our time together. Thankfully our time wasn’t as short as the shoot was but it was definitely still not long enough! Can’t WAIT until next time!

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